tech·nic·al·ly agile

Blog: Technically Agile. Deep diving into Scrum, Agility, & DevOps!

Helping companies navigate the realities of business agility and not just be technically agile! Regular content on Scrum, Agility, & DevOps!

Technical Leadership

NKD Agility provides hands-on guidance to empower teams with the skills and best practices needed to deliver high-quality, scalable solutions that align with business goals.

Engineering Excellence

We embed quality into every phase of development, ensuring that testing, architecture, and engineering decisions drive excellence and maintainability from the outset.

Business Focus

By aligning technical leadership with strategic business objectives, we help teams streamline processes, ensuring software development supports long-term growth and organizational success.
Investigation - SEO permanent redirects for old URL’s?

Investigation - SEO permanent redirects for old URL’s?

On the project I am currently working on we want to change the nasty  to a nice friendly URL on the website. This is pretty easy and can result in nice URL’s like  .

Outlook 2010 Beta 2 and Add-Ins: Dynamics CRM, Team Companion, LinkedIn and Plaxo

Outlook 2010 Beta 2 and Add-Ins: Dynamics CRM, Team Companion, LinkedIn and Plaxo

At SSW we are extensive users of Dynamics CRM. I wanted to give Office 2010 a go, but I had to make sure that the Dynamics CRM plug-in, and my other plug-ins worked.

Internet connection speed, WOW

Internet connection speed, WOW

I have been a cable customer in the UK since day one when it was Cable & Wireless. If you don’t know who they are I am not surprised: Cable & Wireless –> NTL –> VirginMedia

Create a VHD from the Windows Server 2008 R2 Image disk

Create a VHD from the Windows Server 2008 R2 Image disk

Previously I created this the manual way  , but if you have a fast internet connection and can take the 1.6gb download of the AIK, then this is a much easier way of getting started.

Create a VHD from the Windows 7 Image disk

Create a VHD from the Windows 7 Image disk

This being my first week at SSW  , and still waiting for my nice shiny new laptop to arrive, I am sitting here at my Wife’s laptop (which is PINK, a requirement to keep the WAF  high), until it arrives.

Installing Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server SP1

Installing Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server SP1

I have been trying since SP1 was released to get it installed at Aggreko, but due to our global, three time zones, development team and release schedules it has been very difficult to get some time set aside for it.

Dyslexia Awareness Week

Dyslexia Awareness Week

Its “Dyslexia Awareness Week” here in the UK, and as a person that benefits from being a Dyslexic developer  , I thought I should highlight the specific strengths to programmers of being dyslexic…

Deploying Visual Studio 2010 Team Foundation Server Beta 2 - Done

Deploying Visual Studio 2010 Team Foundation Server Beta 2 - Done

Well, nothing like hitting the ground running, my first job at SSW was to join the TFS Migration Team, it was a fun experience, let me tell you how it went.

A change for the better #2 - Aggreko to SSW

A change for the better #2 - Aggreko to SSW

In the last 2+ years at Aggreko I have worked with Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server, Office SharePoint Server 2007 and a number of WPF, Silverlight and ASP.NET projects.

Interview with Scottish Developers

Interview with Scottish Developers

I was recently contacted by Colin Mackay  , the chairman of Scottish Developers  about doing an interview with them. Colin has been pestering me for a while now to do some speaking engagements, but I am still not comfortable with that! (Yes, I am too chicken), so I capitulated…

Connect with Martin Hinshelwood

If you've made it this far, it's worth connecting with our principal consultant and coach, Martin Hinshelwood, for a 30-minute 'ask me anything' call.

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We partner with businesses across diverse industries, including finance, insurance, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, technology, engineering, transportation, hospitality, entertainment, legal, government, and military sectors.​