Coffee Talk: Scrum versus Kanban



Coffee Talk: Scrum versus Kanban

I am doing a free session this Friday with Steven Borg to help folks understand the differences between Scrum and Kanban and where each fit. This will be an introductory session and future sessions will be split with Steven Box doing the Kanban and me doing the Scrum sessions.

Join me for this Free Webcast Event


  • The Recording – I have added the recording below

Scrum is a process model that promotes highly iterative, value driven development and has been successfully adopted by agile teams world-wide. Kanban, meaning “signboard”, is a concept relation to Lean and focuses on the reduction of work in progress and visual signals to indicate that new work should be started.
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Figure: Coffee talk: Scrum vs Kanban

Both models have proven track records, and in this session Martin Hinshelwood (ALM MVP and Scrum proponent) and Steven Borg (ALM MVP and Kanban fan) will go head to head to discuss their similarities, their differences, and which you should choose for your software development.

I think that we have around 50 folks already signed up, but the more the merrier…

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