Does your company culture resemble Survivor?

Does your company culture resemble Survivor? Do you have a culture in your organisation where individuals that help others are considered slackers for not getting their own assignments complete?

The Insufficiency of Scrum is a fallacy

The insufficiency of Scrum is a fallacy perpetrated by teams that don’t step up their practices in concert with their planning and don’t really want to make it work anyway. You can fail doing Kanban, XP or Merese and SSADM just as easily. The goal of Agile is to have you fail sooner and for it to cost less.

What is the roll of the Project Manager in Scrum?

I get a lot of questions about the role of the Project Manger in the world of Scrum and there is usually a lot of hemming and hawing from consultants and Scrum coaches that want to take the touchy-feely approach. Update – 2012– 01 – 21 – I felt that Are Project Managers Living A Lie? […]

Can you really commit to delivering work?

There has been a subtle but targeted change in the wording used as part of Scrum. There has bee a move away from commitment towards forecasting what will be completed. Why is this happening and what does it mean to my team? There has long been a subtle lack of transparency between the Product Owner […]

Are you doing Scrum? Really?

This week I was at the ALM Summit in Redmond. There was a very interesting talk from David Starr of going over the recent changes in Scrum. These changes are, I think, designed to battle the things that have made Scrum unpalatable to many people. The reality is that many people and organisation are […]

Product Owners are not a myth

Steven Borg brought “5 Reasons Why a Product Owner Team Might Be a Good Idea” to my attention which in turn lead me to read “Is Scrum a –ism that doesn’t work for real?“, and for me there seams to be a certain amount of “missing the point” and I wanted to try to find […]

Are Scrum Masters agents for change?

If you are interested in finding out more about Scrum and how to implement it you might be interested in the Professional Scrum Master certification. Think of it not as becoming a “Master” of anything, but just making sure that you are not going to be a danger to those around you.   Do you […]