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What will you learn on the PSM II course?

What will you learn on the PSM II course?

There are two main things that most scrum masters will learn on the PSM II or Advanced Professional Scrum Master course.

  1. That they haven’t been working effectively as a scrum master to date.
  2. That they are there to empower and enable teams.

Getting it wrong as a Scrum Master

Many scrum masters – especially those who haven’t been formally trained, coached, and mentored throughout their scrum master journey – are focusing on the wrong things.

It isn’t their fault, it is only something you would know if you have been on advanced training or worked with a highly skilled, competent, and practised scrum master.

Most scrum masters became a scrum master because they were assigned to be the Jira administrator on the team, and simply just became the scrum master because of their administrative support to the scrum team.

The PSM II course teaches you where your focus, as a professional scrum master, should lie.

Give the developers admin access to Jira and let them crack on with that element of the job, you’re not a full-time administrator, the scope of a scrum master accountability covers so much more than administration.

  • Service to the scrum team.
  • Service to the product owner.
  • Service to the organization.

Each of these elements can be a full-time job on its own, collectively it is a highly rewarding and fulfilling role that really lets you sink your teeth into the challenge and make a significant contribution to the whole environment.

Service to the product owner and service to the organization are often missing, even with experienced scrum masters who have achieved an entry-level scrum master certification, so it’s often a revelation for people that a scrum master serves such a critical function.

Often a scrum master focuses on:

  • Protecting the scrum team.
  • Removing impediments.
  • Handling administrative requirements for the team.
  • Facilitating scrum events.

If you’re cultivating and nurturing a strong, competent, capable team you don’t need to protect them, they can say no or negotiate better terms on their own. If you’re cultivating a competent, autonomous team, they can remove their own impediments.

And so forth.

So, a PSM II or Advanced Professional Scrum Master course is going to teach you how to be an effective, powerful scrum master and provide you with the knowledge, skills, and toolset to make a positive contribution to the organization, the team, and the product owner.

Empowering teams

I often talk about a scrum master in the context of a parent.

If you teach your kid how to clean their room, help them understand why a neat, tidy room is a more favourable environment that fosters creativity, play, and learning, then you don’t need to keep cleaning their room.

They get the value, they have developed the self-discipline, and are committed to doing what is necessary because it serves them to do so. They may not like it initially, but they will get it done until it becomes a habit.

If you simply go up and clean their room every day, it’s going to be frustrating and thankless job that sucks your enthusiasm and energy for parenting effectively.

You grow to resent your child’s behaviour and it becomes harder to muster up enthusiasm for doing the truly valuable work of a parent.

If you’re running around after your team acting like a nursemaid, you’re going to resent the team, the job, and fail to make a positive contribution to the environment. They aren’t going to become autonomous, effective, and highly creative in their work.

They aren’t going to become what a powerful scrum team needs to be.

I’m not a fan of the parenting analogy but I think it works in this specific circumstance.

As a scrum master, you are trying to enable a group of bright, talented, and committed adults to become better at what they do. To be more effective as a team and to produce great work in a way that benefits both customers and the organization.

You’re the force of nature that challenges the status quo and shines a light on what is possible. You aren’t there to mop the floor and clean up the coffee mugs.

The PSM II or Advanced Professional Scrum Master course will teach you why it’s critically important to empower your team and provide you with the knowledge, skills, and toolset to do exactly that.

So, if you’re tired of being a doormat in your team environment and want to be a respected, powerful figure within your community, register for the PSM II (Advanced Professional Scrum Master) course today.

About NKD Agility

Naked Agility is an #agile consultancy that specializes in #scrumtraining, #agilecoaching and #agileconsulting to help teams evolve, integrate, and continuously improve.

We recognize the positive impact that a happy AND inspired workforce can have on customer experience, and we actively help organizations to tap into the power of creative, collaborative, and high-performing teams that is unique to #agile and #scrum environments.

If you are interested in #agiletraining, visit https://nkdagility.com/training/

If you have identified the need for #agilecoaching and #agileconsulting, visit https://nkdagility.com/agile-consulting-coaching/

We would love to work with you.

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