How did you come to be a preferred Scrum training supplier for Microsoft?

Many of you have asked,  “How did I become the third Scrum training provider for Microsoft?” One thing is for sure: I can say it’s been a journey deeply rooted in building relationships and continually developing expertise. Let’s dive deep into that journey.  Rooted in Relationships First and foremost, I owe much of this to […]

Scrum Value: Openness – What does it mean, and why does it matter?

Openness in Scrum: The Unsung Hero of Transparency Have you ever considered that there’s more to Scrum values than meets the eye? When pondering Scrum values, the notion of ‘Openness’ invariably surfaces. But what’s the significance behind this subtle yet potent term?  And why is ‘openness’ so important? Let’s unlock openness in the Agile world, […]

What is the most common epiphany in a PSM II course?

The ‘Aha!’ Moments in a PSM II Course As an Agile Coach and Scrum Master, I’ve experienced many so-called ‘aha’ moments throughout my career, but today I want to unveil some of the most common epiphanies in a PSM II Course. Are you prepared to dive headfirst into the deep-seated revelations that the PSM II […]

What is the difference between a newbie scrum master and a professional Scrum Master?

Unpacking the Differences A newbie vs professional Scrum Master could be considered a misconception. Allow me to explain why. In the Agile world, and particularly in Scrum, answering an intriguing question like the title of this article can be tricky. Still, as I’m often asked, – “What’s the difference between a newbie Scrum Master and […]

How to Set and Achieve Effective Sprint Goals

🚀 Navigating the intricacies of the Sprint Goal in Scrum? 🎯 Discover the essence of crafting a goal that drives real value! 📈 Dive deep into the tactical steps, avoid common pitfalls, and ensure your team is on the right track. 🛤️ Let’s demystify the Sprint Goal together! 🤝 #Scrum #Agile #SprintGoal

What is Scrum?

What is Scrum? Interpreting Scrum Many people know that Scrum is related to organising around a common purpose, a sort of social technology for shared goals. But have you ever gone deeper into the mechanics of “What is Scrum?” Well, let me break it down for you. 🧐 Scrum is a social technology, a guiding […]

Why is Scrum so easy to understand but incredibly hard to master?

Why is Scrum so easy to understand but incredibly hard to master? It’s been said that scrum is easy to understand, but incredibly hard to master. I don’t know if that’s true. I don’t think that scrum is easy to understand, there are thousands of books, videos, and blogs on the topic so it would […]

How does scrum help leadership teams pick the most valuable work to focus on?

How does scrum help leadership teams pick the most valuable work to focus on? It doesn’t. Scrum is a lightweight agile framework; it has nothing in it that helps leadership teams pick the most valuable work to focus on. Sure, it provides a framework for decision-making, but it doesn’t do the work for you. Some […]