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What is the most common epiphany in a PSM II course?

The ‘Aha!’ Moments in a PSM II Course

As an Agile Coach and Scrum Master, I’ve experienced many so-called ‘aha’ moments throughout my career, but today I want to unveil some of the most common epiphanies in a PSM II Course.

Are you prepared to dive headfirst into the deep-seated revelations that the PSM II course brings to light?

So, buckle up and get ready for an enlightening ride! 🎯

Scrum Master’s Role is More than Team Focus

One of the biggest and most common epiphanies experienced during a PSM II course is the realisation that the Scrum Master’s role isn’t just confined to the team.

This realisation is a giant light bulb moment. 💡

Even though it’s explicitly stated in black and white in the Scrum Guide, this is a huge wake-up call for many participants.

The guide clearly outlines the Scrum Master’s accountability to the team, product owner, and the broader organisation.

But many seem to lose sight of this organisation-focused accountability; therefore, once we start ‘pulling at the thread’, so to speak, we’re exploring uncharted territory.   Exploring these implications and understanding how they should shape the Scrum Master’s demeanour within the organisation is a game changer. 🔄

Scrum Masters realise they need to be asking difficult questions, challenging old ways of doing things, and sometimes, they find themselves up against organisational rules that have stood unchallenged for decades, if not centuries!

Therefore, the Scrum Master’s role expands.  💡

Challenging Outdated Practices

Consider, if you will, an old institution like a centuries-old bank, with rules established for teams and put into place over 100 years ago.

The question is, do these rules hold relevance in today’s dynamic world?

That’s like your organisational pacemaker – the rhythm governing your organisation’s functions.

And this begs the question – who’s going to take care of that?

This realisation is another significant epiphany for participants of the PSM II course at this level. The understanding that the Scrum Master’s role extends beyond the team to encompass the whole organisation and its processes is a powerful insight. 🔎

The Meta Epiphany

Now, let’s talk about stepping up engagement and facilitation.

This is a meta epiphany – which is especially relevant for those in the room who are facilitators as well as Scrum Masters. This valuable insight revolves around the idea of engaging people and encouraging broader participation in discussions.  💡

It’s about transforming from a one-dimensional Scrum Master solely focused on Scrum into a two-dimensional one, incorporating additional tools, practices, and behaviours to facilitate change and encourage wider participation in events.

In conclusion, the PSM II course is a journey of self-discovery and professional growth, opening up a whole new world of understanding and capabilities for Scrum Masters. 🌍

Are you ready to experience these ‘aha!’ moments and supercharge your Scrum practice? 🎯

Check out my Agile and Scrum courses!