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Scrum Value: Openness – What does it mean, and why does it matter?

Openness in Scrum: The Unsung Hero of Transparency

Have you ever considered that there’s more to Scrum values than meets the eye?

When pondering Scrum values, the notion of ‘Openness’ invariably surfaces.

But what’s the significance behind this subtle yet potent term?  And why is ‘openness’ so important?

Let’s unlock openness in the Agile world, which, as far as I’m concerned, is the essence of Scrum.  🔓

Openness isn’t just about disclosure – it’s the heartbeat of transparency. 🌟

So, let’s face it, without transparency, we’d all be navigating the Agile world with a fogged compass.

And if I may be candid, our Agile journey would be way more difficult without that clear, unobstructed view granted by transparency.

Trust – The Output, Not Input 

Now, here’s a thing that’s often misinterpreted: while we all seek transparency in the realm of the Scrum world, it’s practically craving trust.  But why trust?

Yet, trust isn’t merely a switch you turn on.  It’s the rewarding outcome of genuine efforts.  It’s what we observe, not what we feed.  It’s an observable outcome. 

And openness literally crafts this trust.   

So, how do we cultivate this trust?

Not through grand gestures but through the simple act of laying things bare, speaking our truths and simply letting people in on the reality of things.


Narratives within the Organization: Stories Waiting to be Told

Whether it’s a product backlog, our modus operandi as a team, or our organisational ethos – the real question is: How clear accessible and transparent are these narratives?

If there’s a shroud of mystery or even a hint of opacity, we’re not truly ‘open’ and straying from genuine openness.

Conversations Over Resentment

Beyond procedures and tasks lies the vast expanse of human emotions, and this goes from mere talk to true conversations.  Beyond the mechanics of processes, the emotional fabric binds us all.

So, the question remains: are we genuinely open enough to vocalise our discomforts, our highs, and our not-so-obvious lows?

Are we open-hearted enough to voice our discomforts, joys, and vulnerabilities?

Do we create a space for candid conversations, or do we wear masks of pretence?

Remember, openness is a dialogue, not a monologue.

It’s about creating an environment where we’re not just talking at each other but truly communicating.

It’s about ditching the mask and allowing genuine dialogue.

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Let’s embark on a transparent journey together! 🌐