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What are the top 2 things a scrum master needs to bear in mind when adopting the coaching stance?

A #scrummaster doesn’t have the authority to tell people what to do, nor do they have the power to hire and fire at will. Instead, they need to build trust, collaborate, and coach to achieve valuable outcomes.

When it comes to adopting the #agilecoach stance, there are a few things that a #scrummaster needs to bear in mind. Martin Hinshelwood highlights two very important things to keep in mind.

About NKD Agility

Naked Agility is an #agile consultancy that specializes in #scrumtraining, #agilecoaching and #agileconsulting to help teams evolve, integrate, and continuously improve.

We recognize the positive impact that a happy AND inspired workforce can have on customer experience, and we actively help organizations to tap into the power of creative, collaborative, and high-performing teams that is unique to #agile and #scrum environments.

If you are interested in #agiletraining, visit https://nkdagility.com/training/

If you have identified the need for #agilecoaching and #agileconsulting, visit https://nkdagility.com/agile-consulting-coaching/

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