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What are the most common challenges you are contracted to solve in a DevOps consulting gig?

Cracking the Code of DevOps Consulting

When navigating the exciting world of DevOps, there are common challenges and today, I’d like to talk about potential solutions.

But first, let’s discuss a question I often get asked: “What are the most common challenges you face as a DevOps consultant?”

Ready to take a closer look and untangle this intriguing question?

Let’s go!  🚀

DevOps and Agile Parallels: Two Sides of the Same Coin

First, the challenges I typically encounter in a DevOps consulting gig mirror those of an Agile consulting role.  🔄

Why so?

The answer is simple: they’re two sides of the same coin. 

DevOps is pretty much the same as Agile Consulting, right?

Either way, the primary issue remains the same – clients don’t see the fruits of their labour fast enough. Which means people aren’t working through products quickly enough.

Whether it’s about reducing the time it takes to go from an idea to a working product or speeding up the delivery of finished products to customers, these hurdles persist, and the challenges remain the same.

Essentially, the heart of the matter when it comes to DevOps, like Agile, is all about closing feedback loops faster.

More Than Automation

DevOps is not just about tools.  It’s a mindset.  🔧

A common misconception that I encounter is the overemphasis on automation in DevOps.  While automation is undeniably a major part of DevOps, it’s more than that.  This is only part of the picture. ⚙️

The essence of DevOps lies in understanding lean Agile practices and incorporating them into the development process.   

Agile vs. DevOps

The Agile vs. DevOps debate is all about perspective.

For instance, when it comes to the story of Agile or DevOps?  Who tells it?

An Agile practitioner might argue that DevOps is part of the Agile story, while a DevOps practitioner may insist that Agile is part of the DevOps narrative.

The truth?  They’re different lenses to view the same reality.  🧐

This notion is echoed in my state of Agile or DevOps reports as I emphasise this in my consulting reports, whether branded as “State of Agile” or “State of DevOps.”

‘We Can’t Do That Here’ Mentality

One of the most common challenges I face is when clients say, “In our industry/company, we can’t do this because…”

DevOps is all about overcoming preconceived barriers and ideas.

Enter the ‘we can’t do that here’ mentality.

One of the most common challenges I encounter is when I hear the phrase, “In our industry/world/company, we can’t do this because of some other reason.”

These preconceived barriers – whether it’s about developers shipping products into production or adhering to regulatory norms – can often be unfounded.

Remember, if the intention is to get a product into customers’ hands more quickly and effectively, finding a way around perceived barriers is always possible.

Even auditors, who are usually perceived as rigid and rule-bound, can be open to new approaches if it give them the necessary insights.

DevOps is for Everyone

Therefore, taking this all into account, for me, the biggest challenge is often overcoming the “we can’t do that here” mentality.

But the beauty of DevOps (and, indeed, Agile) is its universality – these principles can be applied effectively across industries and organisations around the world, regardless of perceived restrictions. 🌍

But in reality, Agile and DevOps can be adopted in any environment.

So, there you have it!

Navigating the DevOps landscape can be challenging, but it’s a rewarding journey that can dramatically improve your development and delivery processes.

Want to master the art of Agile and DevOps?

My Agile and Scrum courses will equip you with the tools to tackle these challenges head-on.