Home > Helpful Resources > Referral – 20% of course fee credited to your account | 20% discount for person referred 

Referral – 20% of course fee credited to your account | 20% discount for person referred 

Do you resonate with the joy of sharing valuable knowledge with friends or colleagues? 😊🤝  

Our new referral programme is crafted to reward this very spirit of collaboration and communal growth.  

I thought, why not make it both beneficial and fun for everyone involved? 

How It Works: Rewarding Your Referrals! 💼🌟 

Here’s a breakdown of this awesome opportunity: 

  • Your Unique Code: Head over to our website to fetch your unique referral code. It’s your golden key. 🗝️💻 
  • Pass Along the Savings: Share your code with someone eager to learn. They get an instant 20% off their course fee! 📉💰 
  • Your Gain from Their Gain: When they save, you earn – 20% of their fee credited straight to your account. Like store credit, but better! 🏦✨ 

Uplift Your Circle, Enhance Your Skills 

Imagine this: Your referral doesn’t just elevate a single career; it kickstarts a chain reaction of growth and opportunity. 🌐💥 

  • Elevate Your Team’s Game: Bring your work pals into the mix and watch your collective skills propel your organization to new heights. 👩‍🏫🚀 
  • Pool Knowledge, Multiply Impact: Diverse courses among your referrals? You’re basically curating a powerhouse of insights. 🤓🔍 

A Zero-Cost Class? It’s Possible! 🆓🎓 

Yup, it’s as good as it sounds. Encourage five buddies to sign up, and your next course could essentially be on the house.  

That’s synergy in action! 

  • Five Referrals = One Free Class: It’s like planting a tree that bears the fruit of knowledge – and guess who gets to harvest? 🌳🍎 

The Philosophy Behind Our Referral Programme 

  • Mutual Benefits: I believe in a give-and-take system that creates an ecosystem of shared growth. 💞🔄 
  • Cultivating Community: Every referral fortifies our network of professionals, paving the path for collective advancement. 🛣️🌈 

So, why keep the goodness to yourself? Grab that code, ignite a learning cycle, and enrich our professional landscapes together! 🎢💡 

Jump on board now and revel in the benefits as they accumulate in your account and your career leaps forward! 🚀💼