What is the Sprint Planning workshop, and how will it help organisations?

Depth and Breadth of Sprint Planning What does the Sprint Planning Workshop entail? If you’re imagining a one-off gathering, think again! Our approach is designed to be comprehensive and impactful.  🚀 It’s delivered over multiple sessions and not just a one-time event. The key reason? “We want you to be able to have a chance […]

What is the Sprint Planning Workshop, and How Will It Help Organisations?

Depth and Breadth of Sprint Planning What does the Sprint Planning Workshop entail? If you’re imagining a one-off gathering, think again! Our approach is designed to be comprehensive and impactful.  🚀 It’s delivered over multiple sessions and not just a one-time event. The key reason? “We want you to be able to have a chance […]

What is your #1 tip for effective Sprint Planning?

Sprint planning is a cornerstone of successful Agile teams and a vital phase for us Agile buffs; therefore, there’s always much to consider.  🚀 And so I often get asked about that ONE tip that can make it truly effective. 🔥 Let’s discuss in detail why ‘Pre-Sprint Planning’ is so important. Mastery Over the Product […]

What is the most common mistake in Sprint Planning?

Avoiding the Biggest Sprint Planning Mistake I’m often asked about the most common mistakes in sprint planning.  It’s crucial to navigate sprint planning and to understand where we often go wrong.  🤔 I’ve had many interactions with teams about the nuances of sprint planning, so I’d like to shed light on the most common mistake […]

What is Sprint Planning?

Setting the Tone for Success The age-old question that many present to me is pretty simple, “What is sprint planning?” Yet, lurking behind that more profound inquiry lays another question,  “Why is Sprint planning?” Let me help shed some light on this. 🚀 Moment of Alignment Sprint planning is, fundamentally, a time where we get […]

The Sprint is a container for Planning and not necessarily for Delivery

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I have been told time and again in the office that Scrum is an inflexible platform for developing software as it is way too prescriptive. This is far from reality and represents an invalid interpretation in the rules of the game. This fault lies not with those that have been turned away from the light, […]