Installing Windows 7



Installing Windows 7 is so similar to the Vista install it almost does not deserve a post on it, but as I did not do a Vista install post, and I am waiting for the install to complete, I though you should see, erm…. the nice new colours…

I am installing on a virtual environment (Virtual PC) on my desktop so any timings for the install are largely irrelevant, but my Host computer had Dual Quad core Xeon’s and some serious HDD and RAM speeds.

Windows Vista Host Experiance Index

I only get a 3.3 because my graphics card is not a very expensive one…


Windows 7 Install: Language Selection

I gave the VM 1.5 GB of RAM…

Windows 7 Install: Install Now

Windows 7 Install: Licence terms

Windows 7 Install: Which type of installation do you want?

For some reason the “Upgrade” option was available! Bug maybe…

Windows 7 Install: Where do you want to install Windows

Windows 7 Install: Installing Windows

Windows 7 Install: Setup is updating the registry settings

I was quite surprised to see that I got this far in around 10 minutes… I barely have time too keep up with my post!

Windows 7 Install: Completing installation

And less than 10 minutes after that!

Windows 7 Install: Setup will continue after restarting your computer

Well the install is done, now we are at fist boot..

First Boot

Windows 7 First Boot: enter a user

After this you will be asked for your product key, and then the standard setup questions…

Windows 7 First Boot: Help protect your computer and improve Windows automaticaly.

Windows 7 First Boot: Review your time and date settings

Windows 7 First Boot: Windows is finalising your settings

Windows 7 First Boot: Welcome

My First Windows 7 Desktop

Windows 7: Desktop

Windows 7: Start 

All in all, a very nice experience so far… I will probably be running at home as well, but I do not expect that install to take 25 minutes!

My computer at home is a P4 3.1Ghz with 1GB of ram… 🙁

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