You can’t use WITADMIN on versions older than TFS 2010

I encountered a bit of a red herring today when I was trying to rename a Work Item Type Definition (WITD) and received the message that you can’t use WITADMIN on versions older than TFS 2010. However the server was TFS 2010. I am onsite in London this week doing a migration from TFS 2010 […]

Merge Team Projects into one in TFS

In TFS 2012 the product team introduced the concept of Teams into TFS. Before this many organisations created multiple Team Projects and now want to merge Team Projects into one, or at least fewer. There are many reasons you might have done this in the past but there is no reason to live with this.

Maven release perform tries to do a Get to a workspace sub folder in TFS

If you are using TFS and specifically switching from SVN to TFS then you might run into the issue that your Maven release perform tries to do a Get to a workspace sub folder. This will not work as TFS has a validation exception to trying to map a sub folder inside an existing workspace. That could be disastrous in a real situation.

How to delete work items from TFS or VSO

Have you ever created a bunch of work items that you decided later that you had to delete. Well I have… especially as a user of the TFS Integration Platform. And when things go wrong there they can really go wrong. Now while you can put stuff into the “removed” state it is still hanging […]

Getting a service account for VSO with TFS Service Credential Viewer

Have you tried to get a service account for Visual Studio Online (VSO)? Did you know that you can use the TFS Service Credential Viewer to get it. When you join a local or azure build server to your VSO account you are asked to log in with an account that is an administrator to […]

TFS Process Template migration script updated

Did you know that you can quite easily upgrade, or change, your process template from one to another? Did you notice I used the “quite” in there. Well if you think of the Process Template as the blueprints then the Team Project that you create is the concrete instance of that blueprint.

Access denied user needs label permission in TFS

There is always something new to learn with TFS and today I learned something old. I had a user today that was constantly getting the message “Access denied user needs label permission in TFS”.

Import Excel data into TFS with History

Have you ever tried to push data into TFS with Excel? I have, and it can often be the opposite of sweetness and light. The idea is to import data into TFS with Excel with history.

Mask password in Jenkins when calling TEE

When you use the release build plugin in Jenkins to create a new release the plugin inadvertently leaves your password in clear text in the log files. We need to be able to mask passwords in Jenkins when calling Team Explorer Everywhere (TEE) so that we meet security requirements.