TFS Event Handler Prototype Feedback

I would be interested in finding out if anyone is using the TFS Event Handler I created on CodePlex. The main reason for this is to solicit feedback for the process and integration capabilities. The TFS Event Handler removes the need to integrate with the Team Foundation Server events. It provides a simple API for […]

Creating a managed service factory

I had a plan. I wanted to create a way of accessing services in multiple locations from any location. Each location could have one or more services which may be duplications or different. That is a really abstract way of thing about it, but I eventually came up with a solution. After using Reflector to […]

Creating WCF Service Host Programmatically

If you want to create a Windows Communication Foundation Service Host on the fly then you will need to first create a base address. I would recommend using the DNS host entry instead of the My.Computer.Name as I had many problems on the corporate network with [computername] not working with our proxy settings.    Dim […]

Custom WCF Proxy

The think that always annoys me with web services is that when you connect to it and generate the proxy it always generates proxies for all of the extra classes and interfaces as well, even when you have them available. This means that you always have to write convertors or adapters to convert one object type […]

Serialize Assembly for Service calls over Http

  I want to send a .NET assembly as either an System.Reflection.Assembly or as a string over the wire through a Windows Communication Foundation web service. It seems that the class System.Reflection.Assembly can serialize, but is unable to deserialize at the other end. How can this be achieved without sending as a straem of Byte. […]

Advanced Email Content addendum

RE: What I Hate About XBAPs Ahh, had I only searched the web a little longer… I now have a problem! With the inability to send XBAP by email highlited in this blog. Ever since I saw an early MS video presentation on the capabilities of Vista I have longed for this feature. I don’t think […]