Big Scrum: All you need and not enough

Once you have Professional Scrum Teams you can focus on enhancing the communication lines that are a necessity of Scaling Software Delivery. Nexus is a framework for using Scrum to scale Scrum from and Ken Schwaber.

Big Scrum: Are you doing mechanical Scrum

Are you doing mechanical Scrum? Also called flaccid Scrum, amateur Scrum, or by-the-book Scrum; all are equally ineffective. If you are not able to ship twice the features in half the time that you used to, then you are probably doing mechanical Scrum.

My journey into Professional Scrum

It has been just over a year since I returned from 3 years in the USA and started naked ALM Consulting, and things are going well.. So far. The key to success in software development is, I believe, Professional Scrum.

Do you need an expert in Visual Studio ALM, TFS, or Scrum?

Due to the decimation of the oil prices one of my larger customers has had to cancel our engagement for February. I am suddenly and surprisingly available in February! I usually have engagements booked out up to 3 months in advance and that makes for some difficult conversations with potential customers that want me onsite […]

Bruce Lee on Scrum and Agile

There are wise people in this world and that wisdom often transcends the topic that they are intentionality addressing. Good philosophy can be applied beyond those bounds. As an example, here is Bruce Lee on Scrum and Agile…

TFS Process Template migration script updated

Did you know that you can quite easily upgrade, or change, your process template from one to another? Did you notice I used the “quite” in there. Well if you think of the Process Template as the blueprints then the Team Project that you create is the concrete instance of that blueprint.

Metrics that matter with evidence-based management

I was recently asked to speak at ALM Days in Dusseldorf and more specifically to create a talk on Metrics and KPI’s for Quality. As I have been working a lot recently with evidence-based management.

Agile Requirements Workshop

It can be hard to understand how to break down your backlog into actionable requirement that are small enough to fit in a sprint. This workshop shows you how to break down desirements into backlog items.