Create a VHD from the Windows Server 2008 R2 Image disk

Previously I created this the manual way, but if you have a fast internet connection and can take the 1.6gb download of the AIK, then this is a much easier way of getting started. This is not really the same as the SSW image that I created before, the SSW image was a lovely slipstreamed […]

Create a VHD from the Windows 7 Image disk

This being my first week at SSW, and still waiting for my nice shiny new laptop to arrive, I am sitting here at my Wife’s laptop (which is PINK, a requirement to keep the WAF high), until it arrives.    Figure: Current workspace…one wall short of working in a cupboard, but it beats trying to […]

Internet connection speed, WOW

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I have been a cable customer in the UK since day one when it was Cable & Wireless. If you don’t know who they are I am not surprised: Cable & Wireless –> NTL –> VirginMedia I received my first cable modem in 1998 (ish) which was 512 kbs.. much better than ye ole Dial-up, […]