TFS Event Handler prototype Configuration Demystified

There are a number of config options for the TFS Event Handler Prototype. I will describe all of them in depth here. The first step is to set the Windows Communication Foundation service options, which really only requires you to change one value. <system.serviceModel> <services> <service name=”RDdotNet.TeamFoundation.NotificationService”> <endpoint address=”http://[LocalMacheneName]:8677″ binding=”basicHttpBinding” bindingConfiguration=”” contract=”RDdotNet.TeamFoundation.INotificationService” /> </service> </services> […]

TFS Event Handler: Prototype Released

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As promised I have released the application and code for my prototype TFS Event Handler. I am currently working on the documentation, but I though I would give the bravest of you advanced notice of the release. You should be able to figure out how to configure it and extend it without much help (who […]

Creating your own Event Handler

Creating an event handler with the Team Foundation Server Event Handlers is very easy. You will need to inherit from the AEventHandler class which is part of RDdotNet.TeamFoundation.dll located in the install directory (I will make an SDK later). Imports Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client Public MustInherit Class AEventHandler(Of TEvent) Public MustOverride Sub Run(ByVal EventHandlerItem As EventHandlerItem(Of TEvent), _ […]