Certified Training

Professional Scrum Product Backlog Management Skills (PSPBMS) Course

Unlock the secrets of effective backlog management, stakeholder engagement, and data-driven decision-making.
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Learn Prodcut Backlog Management Mastery.

Step into the dynamic world of Scrum with our ‘Professional Scrum Product Backlog Mastery’ course. Unlock the secrets of effective backlog management, stakeholder engagement, and data-driven decision-making. Whether you’re a seasoned Scrum Master or an aspiring Product Owner, this course promises to elevate your skills, offering a blend of theory and real-world application. Dive in, and let’s turn your Scrum visions into actionable strategies.

Expert Facilitation

The course is led by seasoned practitioners who bring their real-world experience and provide insights into practical applications of agile, lean, and DevOps.

Immersive Learning

This course employs a blend of lectures, case studies, group discussions, and interactive exercises to establish a dynamic learning environment.

NKD Agility Training Approach

There's an old saying, 'those who can't teach', and we are deeply aware of why that is. That said, it isn't mastery unless the technique or outcomes can be reproduced by others, and that's the difference between teaching and training.

NKD Agility are deeply committed to nurturing and growing the next generation of skilled, competent Agile practitioners that are able to navigate complexity and thrive despite uncertainty in product development environments around the world.

Upcoming Dates

We dont have any dates for public classes for Professional Scrum Product Backlog Management Skills (PSPBMS) Course with Certification right now. sign-up to be the first to know, or contact us for discounts or private training.

Expert Facilitation

The course is led by seasoned practitioners who bring their real-world experience and provide insights into practical applications of agile, lean, and DevOps.

Immersive Learning

This course employs a blend of lectures, case studies, group discussions, and interactive exercises to establish a dynamic learning environment.

Course Overview

Welcome to a comprehensive journey into the world of Scrum’s Product Backlog Management. This course is meticulously designed to equip participants with the expertise to understand their product’s essence, master the Product Backlog, engage effectively with stakeholders, promote transparency, and make data-driven decisions. With sessions ranging from stakeholder motivations to the intricacies of the Product Backlog and empirical decision-making, attendees will gain invaluable insights, irrespective of whether they’re Product Owners, Scrum Masters, or Product Managers.

Our curriculum, rooted in real-world scenarios, ensures immediate applicability in professional settings. Under the guidance of experienced Professional Scrum Trainers, participants will benefit from a globally consistent and high-calibre learning experience. Upon completion, attendees will be eligible for the Professional Scrum Product Backlog Mastery assessment, marking a significant milestone in their Scrum journey.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Product Essence Comprehension: Dive deep into the core of your product. Understand not just its features, but its soul, its purpose. By the end of our sessions, you’ll have a panoramic view of your product, its goals, and the strategic roadmap to achieve them.
  2. Product Backlog Proficiency: The Product Backlog is more than just a list; it’s a strategic tool. Learn to craft, refine, and sequence it in a manner that aligns perfectly with your product’s vision and stakeholder expectations.
  3. Stakeholder Engagement Mastery: Stakeholders are the compass by which a product navigates. Master the art of identifying, understanding, and communicating with them, ensuring their needs and insights are woven into the fabric of the Product Backlog.
  4. Championing Transparency: In the world of Scrum, transparency isn’t just a value; it’s a guiding principle. Discover how to make your Product Backlog a beacon of clarity, ensuring all involved parties have a clear and unified vision.
  5. Empirical Decision Making: In an ever-evolving market, decisions grounded in empirical data can be the difference between success and stagnation. Learn to harness this data, turning it into a competitive advantage.
There are currently no public PSPBMS classes scheduled! Check the course schedule for all available classes or contact us for private PSPBMS classes.

Learning Experience Options

Our primary method of increasing Backlog Management knowledge is a deliberate developmental experience divided into learning blocks, each with four hours of live virtual classroom training with a qualified trainer-practitioner complemented with presentations and lectures in the form of videos, reading material, and writing activities provided for self-study. Live sessions are delivered online using Microsoft Teams and Mural, with Mighty Networks provides the self-study portal.

Every participant on every option receives:

  • Two attempts at the industry-recognised Assessments.
  • A 30m learning review, generally delivered between assessment attempts.
  • A 60m one-on-one coaching session

Embark on a comprehensive exploration of Scrum’s Product Backlog Management with our ‘Professional Scrum Product Backlog Mastery’ course. Designed as a traditional full-day or split into two engaging half-day sessions, this course promises to sharpen your skills in backlog refinement, stakeholder communication, and empirical decision-making. Whether you’re delving into the Scrum world or seeking to enhance your existing knowledge, this course offers a perfect blend of theory and hands-on application, ensuring you leave with actionable insights and a deeper understanding of Scrum dynamics.

  • Session 1: Introduction to stakeholders, understanding their motivations, challenges, and aspirations.
  • Session 2: Exploring the philosophy and mechanics of the Product Backlog, understanding its significance as a strategic tool.
  • Session 3: Advanced techniques for Product Backlog refinement, ensuring agility and relevance.
  • Session 4: Principles of transparency and empiricism, leveraging data for informed decision-making.
Learn More...

  1. Product Essence Comprehension: By the culmination of our sessions, you’ll possess a lucid understanding of your product, the associated goals, and the strategic steps required to realise them.
  2. Product Backlog Proficiency: Engage with hands-on techniques to formulate, refine, and sequence your Product Backlog, ensuring it aligns seamlessly with your product’s overarching vision.
  3. Stakeholder Engagement Mastery: Acquire the skills to identify and communicate effectively with your stakeholders, ensuring their requirements are meticulously represented on the Product Backlog.
  4. Championing Transparency: Unearth methodologies to augment the clarity and transparency of your Product Backlog, making it an invaluable asset for your Scrum Team.
  5. Empirical Decision Making: Harness empirical data to inform your decisions, positioning you to capitalise on opportunities and gain a competitive advantage.

If you’re a Product Owner keen on honing your skills, or perhaps a Scrum Master aiming to support your Product Owners better, this course is for you. Product Managers and Business Analysts eager to elevate their Product Backlog management skills will also find immense value here.

There are no pre-requests for this class, but some experience of managing a backlog would be beneficial.

Upon course completion, participants will be provided with credentials to attempt the Professional Scrum Product Backlog Mastery assessment. Should you not achieve a minimum of 85% on your first attempt within 14 days, a second opportunity will be graciously extended at no additional cost.

Prepare to embark on a transformative journey in the realm of Scrum. Together, we shall achieve Product Backlog Mastery.

Trainers for Professional Scrum Product Backlog Management Skills (PSPBMS) Course

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Alumni Discount of 30%

Have you been through a class with us before? As an Alumni you get a 30% discount on all of our classes.

The Alimni discount for this class would bring it down to £360

Combine with our generous 20% Credit per Referral program.

Under / un-employed Program

Under / un-employed Program

Are you underemployed? Our Retraining Program provides favourable payment plans for those not currently working.
Pay a 30% deposit of £155 now, and the rest when you are working.

Unlimited Reruns for 70% discount

Unlimited Reruns for 70% discount

Reruns allow you to participate in a class that you have already taken for any reason at a low cost.

Have you participated in this class with us or an equivalent from another vendor? We are intent on enabling your continuous learning so we offer you a Rerun discount of 70% to take it again with our trainers.

The Rerun discount for this class would bring it down to £155. Contact us with proof of participation in a previous class to claim your discount.

For classes from another trainer please provide your Profile URL showing that associated class. For Scrum Alliance, you will need to provide a receipt. Not sure? Contact us for a chat.

20% Credit per Referral

20% Credit per Referral

Our Advocates Program allows you to gain 20% for each referral* as a credit towards future classes! This is a cash equivelent so can be added to any other discount.

*up to £105, depending on purchase region, per referal

Combine with other coupons and discounts, like the Alumni Discount of 30%

Why is the Product Backlog so important?

In the context of our ‘Professional Scrum Product Backlog Mastery’ course, understanding the Product Backlog’s significance is paramount. The Product Backlog, a vital tool in Agile product development, is a dynamic inventory representing all that a product necessitates. As we traverse the intricate terrains of product development, there’s a common inclination to structure the Product Backlog in a hierarchical manner, akin to the familiar Initiative->Epic->Feature->User Story->Task/Bug framework. However, it’s essential to critically assess the implications of such a hierarchy, especially given the complexities inherent in product development environments.

The allure of a structured hierarchy, reminiscent of traditional project management approaches like the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), might seem appealing. Yet, in the Agile realm, this could introduce rigidity and diminish the Backlog’s transparency. Instead of a cluttered hierarchy, consider a streamlined approach that encapsulates only the work pertinent to the team, supplemented with tags or wikis for context. This approach not only enhances clarity but also empowers teams to structure the Backlog in a manner that resonates with them, fostering adaptability in complex product development scenarios. The strategy should inform, not dictate, the Product Backlog’s organisation, recognising that those closest to the work often possess the most profound insights. In essence, the course emphasises the balance between strategic alignment and team autonomy, aiming to cultivate a resilient ecosystem that thrives amidst the uncertainties of complex product development. So, what truly lies within your backlog?

Why is backlog management so important?

In the context of our ‘Professional Scrum Product Backlog Mastery’ course, understanding and mastering the art of Product Backlog management is pivotal. Just as a sculptor meticulously carves a statue, in the world of Scrum, the Product Backlog must be carefully curated to reflect the product’s unrealised potential. It’s a dynamic entity that should be transparent and comprehensible to all involved. However, it’s essential to avoid an overly extensive backlog that becomes cumbersome for the team.

The essence of a Product Backlog lies in its balance: it should be concise yet comprehensive. While it’s crucial to maintain a streamlined backlog, foresight is equally important. Product development operates in a fluid environment, and the ability to anticipate future needs while avoiding over-planning is a skill in itself. This course will guide you in finding that optimal balance. Surprises are part and parcel of product development, but distinguishing between genuine unknowns and mere oversights is vital. Regular reflections on past work, understanding surprises, and strategising for the future are integral components of effective backlog management. Remember, the Product Backlog is an evolving tool, and as product managers, we shape its evolution. The goal? A Product Backlog that’s lean, insightful, and perfectly aligned with stakeholder ROI.

Step into the dynamic world of Scrum with our ‘Professional Scrum Product Backlog Mastery’ course. Unlock the secrets of effective backlog management, stakeholder engagement, and data-driven decision-making. Whether you’re a seasoned Scrum Master or an aspiring Product Owner, this course promises to elevate your skills, offering a blend of theory and real-world application. Dive in, and let’s turn your Scrum visions into actionable strategies.

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Why naked Agility with Martin Hinshelwood?

naked Agility Limited is a professional company, registered in Scotland, that offers training, coaching, mentoring, and facilitation to help people and teams evolve, integrate, and continuously improve.

We recognise the positive impact that a happy AND motivated workforce, that has purpose, has on client experience. We help change mindsets towards a people-first culture where everyone encourages others to learn and grow. The resulting divergent thinking leads to many different ideas and opportunities for the success of the organisation.

Our Core beliefs

Courage | Commitment | Focus | Respect | Openness

We believe that every organisation deserves usable software on a regular cadence that delivers the highest possible value. Organisations are complex systems. They evolve over time and the current ways of working are a result of this evolution. We help an entire organization focus on value delivery and agree to new norms.

By reducing bureaucracy and command and control management, we believe that everyone will take responsibility for achieving the organisation’s goals. Our tailored blend of training, coaching and mentoring, gives people the opportunity to learn and develop, making the organisation, and its clients, successful.

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What We Do

On an evolution towards agility and becoming a great organisation, it is your people that will determine your success. We help the entire organisation agree on methods, goals and cultural values that will enable you to adopt a product-first approach.

We have learned from the success and failure of different organisations and their experiences of introducing an agile mindset. We want to help you transition to a world within which you can delight your clients.