Azure DevOps Migration Tools


Azure DevOps Migration Tools allow you to migrate Teams, Backlogs, Tasks, Test Cases, and Plans & Suits from one Project to another in Azure DevOps / TFS both within the same Organisation, and between Organisations.


v2 Reference Overview



5 minutes to read


2024-08-27 03:49:54 -0500

The system works by setting one or more Processors in the json configuration file. This processor can have many ProcessorEnrichers that enable additional features, and must have at least two Endpoints; a Source Endpoint and a Target Endpoint. Each Endpoint may have additional EndpointEnrichers that add additional Client specific functionality.

What types of things do we have

  • Processors - Processors allow you to move different types of data between Endpoints and does not care what Endpoint you have on each end.
  • Processor Enrichers - Enrichers at the processor level allow you to add additional functionality to a processor without endangering the core functionality. Each Enricher should have a single responsibility and can add functionality to the following stages of the processor pipeline.
  • Endpoints connect to the target system and load and save the data. Endpoint can load or save data from any system, but we are focusing on Azure DevOps & Github.
  • Endpoint Enrichers - Because systems likely have different data shapes we also have EndpointEnrichers that can be added to Endpoints that allow loading and saving of specific data.
  • Mapping Tools -

We currently have a WorkItemTrackingProcessor with Endpoints for InMemory (for testing), FileSystem, and Tfs. You can mix-and-match Endpoints so that you would be able to migrate your WorkItem data from Tfs to FileSystem as needed.

The model should also work for other data Teams, SharedQueries, PlansAndSuits.

How the Configuration file flows

This config is for reference only. It has things configured that you will not need, and that may conflict with each other.

  "ChangeSetMappingFile": null,
  "Source": null,
  "Target": null,
  "FieldMaps": [],
  "GitRepoMapping": null,
  "LogLevel": "Information",
  "CommonEnrichersConfig": null,
  "Processors": [
      "$type": "WorkItemTrackingProcessorOptions",
      "Enabled": true,
      "ReplayRevisions": true,
      "PrefixProjectToNodes": false,
      "CollapseRevisions": false,
      "WorkItemCreateRetryLimit": 5,
      "ProcessorEnrichers": [
          "$type": "PauseAfterEachItemOptions",
          "Enabled": true
          "$type": "AppendMigrationToolSignatureFooterOptions",
          "Enabled": true
          "$type": "FilterWorkItemsThatAlreadyExistInTargetOptions",
          "Enabled": true,
          "Query": {
            "Query": "SELECT [System.Id], [System.Tags] FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.TeamProject] = @TeamProject AND [System.WorkItemType] NOT IN ('Test Suite', 'Test Plan') ORDER BY [System.ChangedDate] desc",
            "Parameters": null
          "$type": "SkipToFinalRevisedWorkItemTypeOptions",
          "Enabled": true
          "$type": "TfsValidateRequiredFieldOptions",
          "Enabled": true
          "$type": "TfsNodeStructureOptions",
          "Enabled": true,
          "PrefixProjectToNodes": false,
          "NodeBasePaths": null,
          "AreaMaps": {},
          "IterationMaps": {}
          "$type": "TfsRevisionManagerOptions",
          "Enabled": true,
          "ReplayRevisions": false,
          "MaxRevisions": 0
      "SourceName": "Source",
      "TargetName": "Target"
  "Version": "0.0",
  "workaroundForQuerySOAPBugEnabled": false,
  "WorkItemTypeDefinition": {
    "sourceWorkItemTypeName": "targetWorkItemTypeName"
  "Endpoints": {
    "InMemoryWorkItemEndpoints": [
        "Name": "Source",
        "EndpointEnrichers": null
        "Name": "Target",
        "EndpointEnrichers": null

What was added here

  • Moved to WorkItemData2 & RevisedItem2 as we needed more changes than the v1 architecture could support
  • Enabled the configuration through Options and the loading of the objects for Processors, ProcessorEnrichers, Endpoints, EndpointEnrichers.
  • Moved all services setup to the project that holds it using extension methods. e.g. ` services.AddMigrationToolServices();`
  • Created new IntegrationTests with logging that can be used to validate autonomously the Processors. Started with TestTfsToTfsNoEnrichers to get a migration of just ID, & ReflectedWorkItemId. Still needs actual code in TfsWorkItemEndpoint to connect to TFS but it runs, passes, and attaches the log to the test results.

While we still have a long way to go this is a strong move towards v2. It will add object confusion while we build within the context of the existing tool. However, I have marked many of the objects as [Obsolite("This is v1 *", false) so that we can distinguish in the confusing areas.

Legacy Folders

  • VstsSyncMigrator.Core - Everything in here must go :)
  • MigrationTools\_EngineV1\* - These will me refactored away and into v2.
  • MigrationTools.Clients.AzureDevops.ObjectModel\_EngineV1\* - Clients model is being abandoned in favour of Endpoints
Project Details
Chocolatey GitHub release Build on VSTS

Getting Support

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We provide training, ad-hoc support, and full service migrations through Azure DevOps Migration Services

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