How Immersive Learning Transforms Aspiring Agile Leaders

Aspiring agile leaders often face significant challenges when trying to shift organizational culture. They encounter barriers to having the necessary deep conversations and find themselves short on time and space to implement the changes they envision. In today’s fast-paced environments, making that leap to true agile leadership can feel daunting. That’s where immersive learning experiences, […]

7 harbingers of the Agile apocalypse. War

Navigating the Treacherous Waters of Conflict: The Second Harbinger of the Agile Apocalypse The agile journey, while transformative, is fraught with challenges, one of which is the specter of conflict. Dubbed the second harbinger of the agile apocalypse, conflict, if left unchecked, can escalate into a war-like state within organizations, undermining the very essence of […]

7 Harbingers of the Agile apocalypse. Organizational Structure.

Navigating the Agile Apocalypse: Overcoming the Alpha Organizational Structure In the quest for agility within organizations, one formidable adversary stands out, often referred to as the “Antichrist of Agile.” This adversary is none other than the Alpha organizational structure—the traditional, hierarchical management framework that stifles the very essence of agility. This piece delves into the […]

What is the one thing that no Agile team can survive?

Overcoming the Culture of Contempt in Agile Teams In the realm of product development, especially within Agile and Scrum teams, a disturbing trend often emerges—a culture of contempt. This sentiment extends from leadership to the company, the product, and even the customers. It’s a profound issue that goes beyond mere dissatisfaction; it represents an active […]

7 deadly sins of Agile: Sloth 

Confronting the Sin of Sloth in Agile Practices: A Call for Honesty and Action  Sloth in Agile is not just about being lazy; it’s a deeper issue of failing to fulfil promises and commitments within Agile frameworks.  Understanding Sloth in Agile Environments 🐢  This lethargy can seep into various aspects of a team or organisation, […]

7 Deadly Sins of Agile: Greed 

Overcoming Greed in Agile: A Path to Value and Efficiency  In Agile environments, the concept of greed often manifests as an overwhelming focus on resource utilisation, overshadowing the core Agile principle of delivering value.  Introduction to Greed in Agile Environments 🚀  This misalignment can lead to a counterproductive work culture, where the emphasis on constant […]

The Evolution of Agile Learning: Insights from’s Webinar

This week, I participated in a Webinar hosted by Sabrina Love ( Product Owner) as well as my colleagues, Joanna Płaskonka, Ph.D. and Alex Ballarin to discuss the state of learning and how immersive learning is the future of training. You can watch the video below to hear what we say, but it’s also […]

Exploring Immersive Learning in Agile Environments

In this video,’s Product Owner Sabrina Love and Professional Scrum trainers Alex Ballarin, Joanna Płaskonka, and myself (Martin Hinshelwood) discuss the evolution and effectiveness of immersive learning in Agile environments. 🎓🌐 We delve into how this approach enhances practical application and reflection, making it a superior method for real-world problem-solving. 🤔💡 Key Topics: One […]

What more needs to happen before traditional organisations consider Agile? 

The Agile Imperative: How Traditional Organisations Can Embrace Change  In an era where the winds of change are ever more capricious, traditional organisations stand at a crossroads. 🌬️🛣️ The question that looms large is not just about adopting Agile methodologies but rather about how deeply they’re willing to let change then percolate through their hierarchies […]