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What Would You Look to Achieve with a New Scrum Team in the First 90 Days?

The Significance of the First 90 Days

What would I aim to accomplish with a new Scrum team in the first 90 days?

90 days should be enough for everything, is my straightforward answer. 🎯

The time frame is important but sufficient, contingent upon the team’s and organisation’s current state.

In some places, you might find limited organisational support, restricting you to what I call a “bounded box.”

However, if you’re lucky enough to work with an open, receptive organisation with open, receptive leadership, the first 90 days can work wonders.  📆

Going from Zero to Hero: The Ultimate Objective

In these 90 days, your goal should be to take the team from barely able or not delivering a working product at the end of every Sprint to a position where they’re achieving continuous delivery.

Aiming for this by the end of the 90 days would be best. 🎯

Understanding the Language of Business and Distinguishing Between Release and Delivery 📈

One significant achievement during this time should be empowering the Product Owner to represent the value better.

The objective here is to differentiate between the ideas of release, a business idea, and delivery, an engineering practice.

Understanding this difference allows the team and the Product Owner to have more rational conversations, enabling them to create an ordered backlog aligned with the organisation’s unique values.

The Feedback Loop: A Continuous Cycle of Learning

More than just task completion, this period should be about closing the feedback loop effectively. It involves collecting telemetry, talking to users and utilising that data to determine whether the delivered business value aligns with expectations.

Subsequently, this feedback needs to be incorporated all the way around to change what we’re working on based on the things we learned. 🔄

Cultivating Organisational Champions

The icing on the cake of this 90-day plan is identifying and nurturing someone within the organisation who can champion this new process or, better yet, encourage everyone to become champions of this new way of working.  🌟

They should emerge from this period with a unique glove organisational structure that fits them like a glove, empowering them to sustain and build upon the changes independently.

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Are you intrigued by the transformation that can be achieved in 90 days?

Are you ready to lead your Scrum team through a transformative journey?

Here’s to a successful transformation journey in just 90 days! 🚀

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