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What more needs to happen before traditional organizations consider Agile

In simple or complicated environments, where there are little to no variables that you don’t know upfront, traditional #projectmanagement works a treat. You know 85% of what needs knowing, and you can figure the other 15% out as you move along with a team of experts.

In the 21st century, however, there is increasing degree of complexity in almost every industry. In this short video, Martin Hinshelwood talks about some of the reasons why industries have still not embraced #agile

About NKD Agility

Naked Agility is an #agile consultancy that specializes in #scrumtraining, #agilecoaching and #agileconsulting to help teams evolve, integrate, and continuously improve.

We recognize the positive impact that a happy AND inspired workforce can have on customer experience, and we actively help organizations to tap into the power of creative, collaborative, and high-performing teams that is unique to #agile and #scrum environments.

If you are interested in #agiletraining, visit https://nkdagility.com/training/
If you have identified the need for #agilecoaching and #agileconsulting, visit https://nkdagility.com/agile-consulting-coaching/

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