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How can companies derive greater benefits from training by investing in a private training course?

Private Training Courses: A Game Changer for Companies?

Navigating the realm of Agile and DevOps can be daunting.

When it comes to training, a pressing question often emerges: Can companies reap more from a private training course? 🚀

Many organisations are maximising the impact of private training, so let’s take an inside look at this game changer.

Opening Up in Private Courses: An Unexpected Freedom

When training becomes a private affair, it always creates a safe space that encourages remarkable open dialogue. While I strive to create this atmosphere in public classes, the inherent comfort within the confines of a familiar organisation makes discussions more in-depth and candid.

You’re suddenly in an environment where airing the so-called “dirty laundry” is tolerated and embraced.  🗣️ In fact, speaking out is almost an expectation.

Eureka Moments in Private Classes

During these focussed sessions, I’ve found myself discussing professional scrum, unit testing, continuous delivery to production, and all things Agile and DevOps.

And occasionally, I’m met with, “We can’t do that here because of XYZ”.

Yet, fascinatingly, someone else in the room often counters with something encouraging like, “Actually, we do that in our team”.

Such moments are golden! 🌟

They underscore the potential within an organisation, spotlighting discrepancies in beliefs and actual capabilities.

The Real Value in Private Courses

This is where the magic happens.🎯

1. Candid Conversations: Unparalleled candour leads to rich and constructive discussions.

2. Realisation of Possibilities: By interacting with peers, teams often discover latent capabilities within their organisation.

3. Provoking Thought: The presence of an external facilitator can help provoke essential conversations, pushing teams to reconsider long-held beliefs and methods.

To put it briefly, while public courses have merit, private training has that added layer of intimacy and relevance, often resulting in deeper insights and transformations.

Your Next Agile Adventure Awaits

Eager to deepen your insights into Agile and Scrum?

If you’re poised to elevate your team’s Agile and Scrum prowess, join one of our specialised courses.

Whether public or private, our training sessions are meticulously designed to empower you. Keen on a tailored experience?

Let’s explore the boundless potential of private courses together.

We dont have any dates for public classes right now. sign-up to be the first to know, or contact us for discounts or private training.