Agile Delivery Kit for Software Organisations


How to work in an agile way. This starter kit provides the strategies, recipes. workshops, technologies, practices, and guides that will help you and your people create a way of work that enables success.


Unwilling to change the system!



Less than 1 minute to read

Last Updated: Wed 25 Oct 2023 11:15


Most organisations are unwilling to change the systems that are finely tuned to maintain the status quo.

They bring in agile frameworks and practices and layer them on top of the existing systems. The practice of layering new systems on top of the old systems are why organisations are not seeing the expected benefits from agile. The only way to fix this is to challenge the systems and change them. That is why Scrum has a Scrum Master that is charged with the teams effectiveness.


  • No real change as core differences of new systems (Scrum, Kanban, Lean, etc…) are ignored
  • Increased frustration as new systems interact with existing ones


  • Get stakeholder buyin for new system.
  • Run OpenSpace Agile or OpenSpace Beta to bring everyone on board.

References: Related papers and Articles

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