Live Framework

I have been getting very interested in the new Azure Services Platform and how I can use it to facilitate WPF development. Imagine being able to launch a ClickOnce application from anywhere and for it to have exactly the same configuration and settings in all locations, or imagine being able to chat with other users […]

Advice on using XamRibbon with Composite WPF

If, like me, you are interested in using all the new fangled controls produced by every man and his dog, you will probably have come across the Infragistics WPF control. My mission, that I stupidly accepted, was to update the TFS Sticky Buddy application with their XamRibbon and XamDockManager controls, and anything else I can […]

Composite WPF and Merged Dictionaries

If, like me, you like to have changeable resource files in your application. Wither it is for changing the Theme, or interchanging templates you will need to take special care when using the libraries. The new version of the TFS Sticky Buddy uses both! I am using the built in Infragistics theme system, and the […]

TFS Sticky Buddy 2.0 development started…

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Lets just say that it will be a while in development. I am trying to implement the Composite Application blocks for WPF from Microsoft in an attempt to make the application more modular. I will be updating and releasing under the v2.0 CTP version and I have uploaded the installation files. This is a ClickOnce […]

TFS Sticky Buddy v2.0

Naked ALM Consulting Logo

I will be working on some new features to the Sticky Buddy application. Improvements in the interface, along with a more modular structure and more diagram offering are in the mix. I have been working on some of the enhancements and their implementation in my other lesser known project TFS Heat ITSM… As you can […]

Infragistics WPF

  I am currently getting to grips with the Infragistics WPF controls that they call NetAdvantage for WPF. So far I have found them easy to use, but the documentation of examples is very lax. Do not mistake me, these components are fantastic and do way more work for me than I would care to […]

Creating a WPF Work Item Control

I have a little custom control I need added to my Visual Studio Team System projects. This control will allow specific groups of users as representatives of Advocacy groups with in the life cycle model to sign off a Requirement or Change Request from within Visual Studio. But, just to make things a little more […]

TFS Sticky Buddy Update

The Sticky Buddy has been updated to fix the following problems: Votes ID Title 2 2598 Application has stopped responding” when Logging into CodePlex and a Domain is not entered in the UserName field 1 2630 Handle large number of work items in the node display This means that if you run TFS Sticky Buddy […]

Calling an object method in a data trigger

Calling a method on an instance of an object in WPF is not as easy to figure out, but with the help of this Internet thing I managed it. Say you have a DataTemplate that renders a WorkItemType as a button that is selectable: 1: <DataTemplate DataType=”{x:Type tfswitc:WorkItemType}”> 2: <DockPanel> 3: <Image DockPanel.Dock=”Left” 4: x:Name=”wiImage” […]

WPF Threading

I was having a problem getting multi threading working with the ObservableCollection, and struggled to find a solution. So I asked my friend Google and after a while it directed me to Kevin’s blog and specifically to his post on WPF Cross-Thread Collection Binding – Part 4 – The Grand Solution.   This is a […]