Blocked Columns on Kanban Boards Obfuscate Workflow and Undermine Effectiveness

The Boards in Azure DevOps are a powerful tool that your teams can leverage to enable transparent visualization of the current state of value delivery.  However, the inclusion of Blocked columns can stealthily erode the very foundations of efficiency these boards are meant to uphold. By obfuscating the state of work-in-progress and breeding a culture […]

The Evolution of Agile Learning: Insights from’s Webinar

This week, I participated in a Webinar hosted by Sabrina Love ( Product Owner) as well as my colleagues, Joanna Płaskonka, Ph.D. and Alex Ballarin to discuss the state of learning and how immersive learning is the future of training. You can watch the video below to hear what we say, but it’s also […]

Exploring Immersive Learning in Agile Environments

In this video,’s Product Owner Sabrina Love and Professional Scrum trainers Alex Ballarin, Joanna Płaskonka, and myself (Martin Hinshelwood) discuss the evolution and effectiveness of immersive learning in Agile environments. 🎓🌐 We delve into how this approach enhances practical application and reflection, making it a superior method for real-world problem-solving. 🤔💡 Key Topics: One […]

The 7 Deadly Sins of Agile: A Grecian Odyssey through Modern Software Development

In the rich tapestry of ancient Greek philosophy, the concept of the seven deadly sins stands out as a profound exploration of human nature and morality. Deeply rooted in Greek thought, these sins were not seen as fleeting transgressions. Instead, they were formidable obstacles, barriers between individuals and a virtuous, fulfilling life. These sins promised […]

How to Set and Achieve Effective Sprint Goals

🚀 Navigating the intricacies of the Sprint Goal in Scrum? 🎯 Discover the essence of crafting a goal that drives real value! 📈 Dive deep into the tactical steps, avoid common pitfalls, and ensure your team is on the right track. 🛤️ Let’s demystify the Sprint Goal together! 🤝 #Scrum #Agile #SprintGoal

Deciphering the Enigma of Story Points Across Teams

Over the past decade, a recurring query has been echoing in my ears: “How can we normalise Story Points across teams so that we can look across and maybe compare teams?” It’s high time we address this. TLDR; Story Points, while subjective, can be a valuable tool for team discussions and understanding. However, they shouldn’t […]

Decoding Scrum Team Work: Balancing Sprint and Refinement Work

Software Development is not just a systematic process but a dynamic interplay of critical work that shapes the progress of your product. A Scrum team’s work can be classified into Sprint work and Refinement. To steer your Scrum Team towards success, it’s essential to understand, manage, and balance these two types of work. This article […]

The Race for Market Responsiveness: A Fresh Perspective on Organisational Agility

🍵 Pondering over organisational agility, I realise the goal isn’t to be ‘agile’ or to implement SAFe, Nexus, or Scrum@Scale. 🎯 It’s about seizing opportunities faster than competitors, pivoting swiftly, and handling surprises with agility. 🌍 In a fast-paced world, it’s time for organisations to rebuild their processes, tailored to their unique needs. 🦁 The survival of the fittest applies to the corporate world too.

Rethinking ‘User Stories’: A Call for Clarity in Product Backlog Management

In the world of product development, the language we use can profoundly shape our approach to work. 🗣️ One term that I believe has been misused to the point of causing more harm than good is “User Stories”. 📚 In my latest blog post, I argue for a shift away from this term towards a more flexible and transparent framework for describing our work: “Product Backlog Items”. 🔄 This change can help us avoid the pitfalls of trying to force all our work into a user story format and ultimately lead to more effective product development. 💡 Join me as I delve into this topic and propose a new way of thinking about our work. 🚀 #ProductDevelopment #BacklogManagement