My first ALM and second VSTS presentaton!



It seams as if they went well! The plan of under preparing and over delivering worked a treat… Because I know the topics the lack of a prepared script allowed me to concentrate more on emparting knowlage and less on keeping to a set of arbitrary notes the go to pot as soon as the first question is asked.

Yes the presentations were a little disjointed, but the content was delivered without too much hesitation and none of the stage fright that mared my last presentation at MS… even with a laptop that had a mind of its own and kept backing through the slides as if it did not want me to go on…

It helped that the Developer Platform guys are a lot less scary than the Application Developer Consultants 😉

What’s this “Developer TS VSTS” thing anyway?

Well, it has a lot more sales focus that I thought it did! This is not a bad thing, but I thought that there would be some development and problem solving in there, but it is more of a pre-sales technology consultancy role… I think that this could be a good move for me, and definatly suits my personality, but I would really miss the development…

We will see, I should here by early next week…

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