
Momentum Driving Force Behind Every Successful Team 🚀 Have you ever wondered about ‘momentum’? When we hear the word ‘momentum,’ what comes to mind? For me, it’s simple – momentum equals movement. 🚀 Momentum is an irresistible force in product delivery, without a doubt. For a moment, imagine a ship at full speed; it’s moving […]

What excites you most about the PAL e immersive learning journey for delegates?

The Professional Agile Leadership – Essentials (PAL-E) course from Scrum.Org has just gone immersive! From the traditional 2-day workshop format, we’ve now got a 7-week journey that empowers you to learn, apply, adapt and evolve more effectively. In this short video, Joanna Plaskonka – Professional Scrum Trainer and PAL-E course leader – walks us through […]

Why is Scrum so easy to understand but incredibly hard to master?

Why is Scrum so easy to understand but incredibly hard to master? It’s been said that scrum is easy to understand, but incredibly hard to master. I don’t know if that’s true. I don’t think that scrum is easy to understand, there are thousands of books, videos, and blogs on the topic so it would […]

Become the leader that you were meant to to be

Leadership is not about control, but about inspiring those around you. Managers transition to Leaders As organisations move towards modern management practices there will be less of a need for Managers. However that does not mean that those same people are not needed! Their role is shifting from managing people, to managing effectiveness and leading […]

Study Guide for Professional Scrum Master Certification

Assessment Details Passing score: 85%Time limit: 60 minutesNumber of Questions: 80Format: Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer and True/FalseDifficulty: IntermediateLanguage: English onlyRequired course: NoneRecommended courses:, Practice Assessment: Scrum OpenOther research: PSM Subject Areas Passwords have no expiration date, but if you take the assessment within 14 days of the class and are not successful, you will receive a […]


What is your role? No matter what you role is we have something that caters to your needs. UX Designers Edit This Design work can sometimes feel slow, and not well suited to quick agile cadences and Scrum events, but that isn’t the case. Learn UX techniques that fit beautifully into Scrum, and practice these techniques […]

Luddites have no place in the modern organisation

In our Professional Agile Leadership training, we talk about changing your organisations hiring practices to hire more of the right sort of people to create the company that you want, not the company that you have. Hire the right people also implies that you will have to, within your cultural constraints, de-hire the wrong people. […]