Constructing a framework for the TFS Automation Platform

As Lead developer for the TFS Iteration Automation my goal this weekend is to provide a framework for the developers to give both architectural and development guidance for the tools and methods we are going to be using to construct the Platform. I have been working on a framework that will allow the developers to […]

Anatomy of an Automation for the Tfs Automation Platform

If you can’t wait for the Tfs Automation Platform, but you still want to eventually deploy your extensions using it, what can you do? We would really like for you to still be able to build out automations without the Automation Platform, but you would not have the delivery and management aspects. Hopefully this post […]

What about hosting the Tfs Automation Platform

I have been asked what would be the process or support for hosting the Tfs Automation Platform either from a hosting provider, or in the cloud if we have server side components. If you are not familiar with TFS on Azure make sure you read: Update on TFS on Azure from Brian Harry “To the […]

What is the Tfs Automation Platform

The TFS Automation Platform is a project that will be developed initially as the TFS Iteration Automation project for the Rangers, but which has a grander  vision to solve a need for customers to have things just happen within TFS. Currently, the scope of this project is to create automations that assist with iteration management, […]