All technical debt is a risk to the product and to your business.

If you were buying a car, or a TV, you as the purchaser would do your best to understand the product that you are buying, the quality tradeoffs, and the capabilities. So why is so much of software opaque to the business? Why does the business have a fire-and-forget mentality and little interest in understanding […]

Getting started with a Definition of Done (DoD)

In my last post about Professional software teams creating working software David Corbin made a good point. How do you determining what “Free from fault or defect” means? Since that is different for each Product and may change over time you need to focus on Quality and reflecting that quality in a Definition of Done […]

Can the Definition of Done change per Sprint?

I was asked this question today and I think there is a clear answer, however it may change depending on the context of the question. “During each Sprint Retrospective, the Scrum Team plans ways to increase product quality by improving work processes or adapting the definition of “Done”, if appropriate and not in conflict with […]