TFS Field Annotator

Do you make lots of edits to your TFS Work Items? Do you ever look at a field in the UI and think… last time I looked that was a 4? Why is it a 6? Who changed it? if you have, then the TFS Field Annotate is for you. Connect to TFS, select a […]

TFS Service Credential Viewer

If you want to connect to the Team Foundation Service (TFS Preview) API you are going to need some credentials in order to connect. That’s right, where do you expect to store your Live ID for connecting? Do you expect to add it to the windows credentials store? What about having the user manually add […]

Windows Azure Training Kit

Microsoft has just released a new Training Kit  for Windows Azure that updates the one released at the PDC. Not since Windows Communication Foundation and WPF have I been so exited about a new technology, but Windows Azure is it. If you are not really sure what Azure is, it is a set of services […]

Live Framework

I have been getting very interested in the new Azure Services Platform and how I can use it to facilitate WPF development. Imagine being able to launch a ClickOnce application from anywhere and for it to have exactly the same configuration and settings in all locations, or imagine being able to chat with other users […]