3 core practices of Kanban. Actively managing work items in a workflow.

Actively Managing Your Workflow in a Kanban Strategy Introduction Once you have defined and visualized your workflow, the next critical step in a Kanban strategy is to actively manage the work within your workflow. This means being proactive and engaged with the process, ensuring that the flow of work remains smooth and efficient. The Importance […]

My journey with Kanban and why I actively recommend it to clients.

Embracing Kanban for Enhanced Workflow and Predictability Introduction My journey with Kanban began with the guidance of Daniel Vacanti and Steve Porter during the first Professional Scrum with Kanban class back in late 2017 and early 2018. At that time, I didn’t fully grasp the value of this unique approach—an observational tool that provides a […]

Configuring a DC in Azure for AAD integrated Release Management

Microsoft Windows

I will be speaking at NDC London: Second Look, Team Foundation Server & VSO and I am planning to be a little adventurous with the demo. For this I will be configuring a DC in Azure for AAD integrated Release Management so that I can do cloud demos. While potentially similar to the Brian Keller […]

What is Kanban?

Demystifying Kanban: A Strategy for Continuous Improvement Introduction Kanban is often misunderstood as just a system for delivering work. However, at its core, Kanban is a strategy designed to help you understand and optimize your existing processes. In this blog post, we’ll explore what Kanban really is, how it functions, and why it can be […]

7 harbingers of the Agile apocalypse. War

Navigating the Treacherous Waters of Conflict: The Second Harbinger of the Agile Apocalypse The agile journey, while transformative, is fraught with challenges, one of which is the specter of conflict. Dubbed the second harbinger of the agile apocalypse, conflict, if left unchecked, can escalate into a war-like state within organizations, undermining the very essence of […]

In WIP, less is more, why?

#WIP aka #workinprogress is a critical element of managing flow in a #kanban or #agile environment such as #scrum. We’ve identified how work flows through the system, through each stage of development, and now we want to optimize how work flows through the system by monitoring and manging work in progress. Counterintuitively, adding less work […]

How would you help organizations pitch the opportunity of agile internally?

How would you help organizations pitch the opportunity of agile internally? It depends on whether you are managing up or down. Managing up. If you are working on a team or with a team and you want to adopt agile, but your organization is not yet ready to make the transition from project management to […]