The #PSM II or #professionalscrummaster course from Scrum.Org is designed to help a #scrummaster progress in their career from entry-level capability to more advanced capabilities.
As a newbie #scrummaster, the focus tends to lie on helping the #developers through the #scrumframework and taking on a fairly strong administrative function within the team.
A #scrummaster role is far more significant than that, and so you need to develop the skills, capabilities and competence to serve the #productowner, the organization, and stakeholders/customers.
In this short video, Martin Hinshelwood talks about the learning outcomes in the PSM II course and why the advanced professional scrum master course plays a significant role in helping people advance on their journey to mastery.
About NKD Agility
Naked Agility is an #agile consultancy that specializes in #scrumtraining, #agilecoaching and #agileconsulting to help teams evolve, integrate, and continuously improve.
We recognize the positive impact that a happy AND inspired workforce can have on customer experience, and we actively help organizations to tap into the power of creative, collaborative, and high-performing teams that is unique to #agile and #scrum environments.
If you are interested in #agiletraining, visit
If you have identified the need for #agilecoaching and #agileconsulting, visit
We would love to work with you.
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