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Transforming Scope Creep into Success: Embrace Agility and Deliver Value in a Changing Market

Struggling with scope creep? Discover how embracing Agile principles can help you adapt to change, prioritise value, and enhance your product delivery.

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If you’re grappling with scope creep, you’re not alone. It’s a common challenge that many teams face, and often, it stems from relying on outdated practices and philosophies that were designed for a world of low variance. In environments where change is minimal, creating a detailed plan or Gantt chart seems effective. You can run the plan, manage risks, and feel in control. However, when the variance—the gap between your expectations and reality—exceeds 50%, those traditional tools start to falter, leading to the dreaded scope creep.

Understanding Scope Creep

Scope creep isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a symptom of a deeper issue. When we cling to old ideas of fixed scope and deadlines, we miss the point of what we’re trying to achieve: delivering a usable, working product that provides value to our customers. The reality is that the market is dynamic. Whether you’re delivering a product to a business or a consumer, the ecosystem is constantly evolving. This means that what you need to deliver is also in a state of flux.

  • Continuous Change: The requirements for your product will change over time. This could be in response to feedback from stakeholders or shifts in market demand. For instance, you might showcase a feature to your users, and they might respond with, “That’s great, but now I need something entirely different.” This is the ebb and flow of product development.

  • Agility in Action: This is precisely why Agile methodologies were developed. The Lean movement, which originated from the Toyota Production System, recognised the need for flexibility in production. Agile adapted these principles for software delivery, where change is not only possible but often necessary.

Shifting the Conversation

If you’re finding yourself in discussions about scope creep, it might be time to rethink the conversation. Instead of viewing scope as a fixed entity, we should embrace the idea that scope can—and should—change. Here are a few key points to consider:

  • Value Over Scope: Our focus should shift from managing scope to delivering value. If we prioritise value, we can adapt our plans and resources to meet the evolving needs of our customers.

  • Dynamic Planning: In an Agile context, we manage budget and time differently. With a clear product vision and a well-defined backlog that we know will change, we can plan effectively while remaining flexible. This allows us to pivot as needed without the stress of rigid scope constraints.

  • Embrace Feedback: Regularly engaging with stakeholders and users can provide invaluable insights. Their feedback can guide your development process, ensuring that you’re always aligned with their needs.


In conclusion, if you’re struggling with scope creep, it may be a sign that you’re still operating under outdated paradigms. Embrace the Agile mindset, where change is not only expected but welcomed. By focusing on delivering value and maintaining a flexible approach to planning, you can navigate the complexities of product delivery with confidence. Remember, the goal is not to stick to a predetermined scope but to ensure that what you deliver meets the needs of your customers in a rapidly changing environment.

Let’s shift our focus from scope to value, and in doing so, we can transform our approach to product delivery and ultimately achieve greater success.

If you’re struggling with scope creep, it’s probably because you’re using practices and philosophies that were developed within the context of low variance. Very little changes all the time, so you can create a plan, you can create your Gantt chart, you can run the plan, and that’s how you’re managing risk. But when your variance—the difference between what you think’s going to happen and what actually happens—is bigger than what you thought in the first place, more than 50% variance, those tools no longer work, and we start having problems with scope creep. We start to not be in control of what’s going on, and that shift towards product delivery, a product operating model, is that move away from those old ideas of scope and deadlines.

There are other tools that we use to have the same outcome because the outcome you’re looking for is a usable, working product in the hands of your customers so that you’re delivering value, maximising the value of that item. But those old tools are no longer working for us. If you’re having a conversation about scope creep, then we’re probably having the wrong conversation because it needs to be okay for the scope to change. The market doesn’t stay still. If you’re delivering a product into your organisation or into a market, whether it’s B2B or B2C or internal, then the ecosystem within which you’re delivering that product is changing over time.

It’s not only changing over time continuously, but that means that what you need is changing continuously, which means that what you have to do is changing continuously. It might even change in response to something you show the stakeholders. You show the customers, you show the users a capability, and they’re like, “Oh yeah, that’s awesome! Don’t spend any more time on that. This is the next most important thing.” Suddenly, we’re shifting direction, and maybe there’s a hundred things in your list of things to do that you know you don’t need.

So that scope creep is the good way where we have less scope to deal with, but also you might show them something, and they’re like, “Oh, that’s not what I want. I need something completely different.” Suddenly, you’ve got a whole bunch of additional work. That ebb and flow of what needs to be is the reason that Agile was created. The lean movement came out of that story of ebb and flow of delivering products. The Lean Toyota system and Agile was the adaptation of that story into the context of software delivery, which is slightly different.

It’s much easier to change software; it’s much easier to iterate on software. You can ship a new version. It’s difficult to ship a new car to the same customer because you want to change something than it is to do it for software. So this idea, if we want to be on time and on budget, then we need to consider scope to be not the thing we’re looking for. We’re looking for value. The thing we’re focusing on is delivering value to our customers, and if we’re delivering value, we’re doing the right thing.

We manage budget and time differently within the context of Agile. If we have a clear product vision, a clear direction on where we’re going, and a well-defined product backlog that we know is going to change constantly, then we can much more effectively plan what we’re doing and change direction as needed without worrying about scope.

Agile Values and Principles Agile Product Management Software Development Agile Planning Agile Project Management Agile Strategy Business Agility Organisational Agility Value Delivery Market Adaptability

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