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7 harbingers of the Agile apocalypse. Judgement.

7 harbingers of the Agile apocalypse. Judgement.

Escaping the Judgment Trap in Agile Transformation 🚀 Hey there, Agile adventurers! Today, I’m tackling another harrowing harbinger of the agile apocalypse: Judgment. This formidable foe manifests through prescriptive, one-size-fits-all methodologies that strangle creativity and innovation. It’s a world where “Thou shalt do Scrum” becomes more of a commandment than a guideline, and where deviation from the prescribed path attracts criticism rather than curiosity. Let’s dive into why this mindset is detrimental and how we can pivot towards a more principle-driven approach. 🌪️

7 Harbingers of the Agile Apocalypse. Plague.

7 Harbingers of the Agile Apocalypse. Plague.

Navigating the Plague of Incompetence in Agile Coaching 🚧 Hey Agile warriors! Today, I’m diving into a topic that stirs up quite the storm in the Agile realm—the plague of incompetence among Agile coaches and Scrum Masters. Yes, you heard that right! It’s a touchy subject, but someone’s got to address the elephant in the room. 🐘

7 Harbingers of the Agile Apocalypse. Famine.

7 Harbingers of the Agile Apocalypse. Famine.

Conquering Famine in Agile Organizations: A Blueprint for Success 🚀 Hello, Agile enthusiasts! Today, I’m diving into a topic that resonates deeply with many of us in the Agile world—famine. No, not the kind you’re thinking of, but rather the scarcity of essential resources within organizations that hampers our journey to success. This famine manifests through a lack of tools, trust, training, and sometimes, the financial backing necessary to propel our teams and products forward. 🌪️

7 harbingers of the Agile apocalypse. War

7 harbingers of the Agile apocalypse. War

Navigating the Treacherous Waters of Conflict: The Second Harbinger of the Agile Apocalypse The agile journey, while transformative, is fraught with challenges, one of which is the specter of conflict. Dubbed the second harbinger of the agile apocalypse, conflict, if left unchecked, can escalate into a war-like state within organizations, undermining the very essence of agility. This exploration delves into the nature of conflict in agile environments, distinguishing between constructive disagreements that fuel innovation and destructive wars that thwart collaboration.

7 Harbingers of the Agile apocalypse. Organizational Structure.

7 Harbingers of the Agile apocalypse. Organizational Structure.

Navigating the Agile Apocalypse: Overcoming the Alpha Organizational Structure In the quest for agility within organizations, one formidable adversary stands out, often referred to as the “Antichrist of Agile.” This adversary is none other than the Alpha organizational structure—the traditional, hierarchical management framework that stifles the very essence of agility. This piece delves into the challenges posed by such structures and outlines strategies for overcoming them, marking the first in a series dedicated to navigating the harbingers of the agile apocalypse.

Does 'starting with why' - Simon Sinek - really matter?

Does 'starting with why' - Simon Sinek - really matter?

The Power of Purpose: How ‘Start with Why’ Drives Agile Success In the world of Agile and Scrum, the concept of starting with ‘why’ is pivotal. Simon Sinek’s insightful exploration of this idea demonstrates its crucial role in motivating people and driving success. 

Are there any Scrum courses that teach you how to scale Scrum?

Are there any Scrum courses that teach you how to scale Scrum?

Tailoring Scrum to Scale: Building Your Own Framework for Success Scaling Scrum within an organization presents unique challenges and opportunities. While there is no one-size-fits-all course that teaches you how to scale Scrum, there are courses available that equip you with the tools and techniques necessary to create a scaling framework tailored to your organization’s needs. This approach ensures that the framework you develop is perfectly suited to your organization’s context, products, and teams.

What is the one thing that no Agile team can survive?

What is the one thing that no Agile team can survive?

Overcoming the Culture of Contempt in Agile Teams In the realm of product development, especially within Agile and Scrum teams, a disturbing trend often emerges—a culture of contempt. This sentiment extends from leadership to the company, the product, and even the customers. It’s a profound issue that goes beyond mere dissatisfaction; it represents an active disdain for decisions made, often without considering the team’s insights or contributions.

7 deadly sins of Agile: Wrath

7 deadly sins of Agile: Wrath

Addressing Wrath in Agile Teams: From Blame to Accountability 🌪️🛠️ In the dynamic world of Agile, wrath often lurks in the shadows, manifesting as an intolerance for mistakes and a culture of blame. This can severely impede the growth and innovation of teams. Understanding and addressing the sin of wrath in Agile environments is crucial for fostering a culture where mistakes are seen as opportunities for learning and growth rather than as failings to be punished. 

Quotes: Dictatorship vs Democracy

Quotes: Dictatorship vs Democracy

Democracy vs. Dictatorship in Agile Leadership: Finding the Middle Ground Hello, Agile enthusiasts. It’s Martin here. Let’s delve into a topic that’s sparked much debate in management circles: the tug-of-war between dictatorship and democracy in leadership, particularly within the Agile framework. 🤔⚖️ 

Quotes: Less is More. True or False?

Quotes: Less is More. True or False?

Embracing ‘Less is More’ in Agile: Maximising Value, Minimising Waste 🚀🌟 In the world of Agile and Kanban, the mantra ’less is more’ isn’t just a catchy phrase; it’s a core principle that drives efficiency and value. The Agile Manifesto itself highlights the importance of maximising work not done, urging teams to focus on what truly adds value and to discard the superfluous. 

Quotes: You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. Steve Jobs

Quotes: You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs and the Art of Connecting Dots in Agile Environments In the dynamic realm of Agile practices, Steve Jobs’ profound assertion, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards,” resonates deeply. This philosophy underscores the importance of reflective learning in Agile methodologies. 

7 deadly sins of Agile: Pride

7 deadly sins of Agile: Pride

The Peril of Pride in Agile: A Cautionary Tale Pride, in moderation, fuels our drive for quality and achievement. However, in the Agile world, there’s a thin line between healthy pride and its excessive, blinding counterpart. 

Quotes: In the past the man has been first; in the future the system must be first. Frederick Winslow Taylor

Quotes: In the past the man has been first; in the future the system must be first. Frederick Winslow Taylor

People, Systems, and Finding the Balance Let’s dive into a historical perspective to understand our current work environments better. Let’s talk about the Industrial Revolution, its focus shift from people to systems, and what it means for us in the Agile world. 🏭🌐 

When is an APS course appropriate for a scrum team?

When is an APS course appropriate for a scrum team?

Empowering Teams with the APS Approach: Elevating Your Scrum Journey In the dynamic and ever-evolving realm of Scrum, where teams and organisations strive to harness their full potential, the Applied Professional Scrum (APS) stands out as a guiding light for authentic Scrum Mastery. 💡

7 deadly sins of Agile: Lust

7 deadly sins of Agile: Lust

Unravelling the Lust of Agile: Why There’s No Quick Fix in Transformation In a world where rapid market evolution is the norm, many organisations find themselves facing the 70-year itch, desperately seeking a solution in Agile transformations. 

Quotes: Fake it until you make it

Quotes: Fake it until you make it

Navigating its Limits in Agile Work Environments Hello, Agile practitioners and enthusiasts. Today, let’s chat about a well-known phrase in our professional lexicon: “Fake it till you make it.” 🚀 

7 Deadly Sins of Agile: Greed

7 Deadly Sins of Agile: Greed

Overcoming Greed in Agile: A Path to Value and Efficiency In Agile environments, the concept of greed often manifests as an overwhelming focus on resource utilisation, overshadowing the core Agile principle of delivering value. 

7 deadly sins of Agile: Gluttony

7 deadly sins of Agile: Gluttony

Mastering Agility: Steering Clear of the Gluttony Trap in Agile and Scrum 🌟 In the Agile realm, ‘gluttony’ extends beyond mere overconsumption. It’s a metaphor for the excessive accumulation of backlogs and products, often paralysing the agility of teams.

Quotes: Don't scale Scrum! Pragmatic or defeatist?

Quotes: Don't scale Scrum! Pragmatic or defeatist?

“Don’t scale scrum” - A Common Refrain 🙄 The phrase “Don’t scale scrum!” is something I’ve heard quite frequently. Let’s explore this statement – is it pragmatic caution or simply defeatist? 

7 deadly sins of Agile: Envy

7 deadly sins of Agile: Envy

Steering Clear of Envy in Agile: A Roadmap for Authentic Success 🗺️✨ Agile practices are a journey of discovery and adaptation, unique to each team. The Allure and Pitfalls of Imitation in Agile 🎭 However, the temptation to imitate others, particularly models like the fabled Spotify approach, often leads teams down a misguided path. 

Quotes: "I estimate that 75% of those organisations using Scrum will not succeed in getting the benefits that they hope for from it." - Ken Schwaber

Quotes: "I estimate that 75% of those organisations using Scrum will not succeed in getting the benefits that they hope for from it." - Ken Schwaber

The Reality of Scrum Adoption 🤔 Ken Schwaber once declared that a staggering 75% of organisations utilising Scrum won’t reap the benefits they anticipate. But let’s take a moment, step back, and consider: could it be even higher? 😮 

Why is Lego a shit idea for a scrum trainer - Part 3

Why is Lego a shit idea for a scrum trainer - Part 3

Finding the Right Balance between Simplicity and Complexity 🧱 In our pursuit to find effective tools for Scrum training, we’ve pondered over various alternatives. Lego, while popular, is noticeably absent from our toolkit. This choice isn’t arbitrary; it’s a deliberate decision stemming from our commitment to creating a realistic and impactful learning experience. While Lego’s structured simplicity may seem appealing for illustrating concepts, it often falls short in conveying the dynamic and often chaotic world of Scrum. 

Why is Lego a shit idea for a Scrum trainer - Part 2

Why is Lego a shit idea for a Scrum trainer - Part 2

Confronting Complexity In Part 2 of this exploration, we dive deeper into another pivotal reason that makes Lego a less-than-ideal tool in Scrum training. The challenge? Acknowledging complexity. 🤯🚀 

What are the barriers that prevent developers from fully accepting a Product Owner as the final decision maker?

What are the barriers that prevent developers from fully accepting a Product Owner as the final decision maker?

Bridging the Gap Between Developers and Product Owners 🌉 In the realm of software development, the relationship between developers and Product Owners is a critical one. Let’s explore why sometimes this relationship is strained and how to mend it. 

Why is Lego a shit idea for a Scrum Trainer - Part 1

Why is Lego a shit idea for a Scrum Trainer - Part 1

Debunking the Lego Approach Let’s unravel a common myth in Scrum training: Is using Lego as a teaching tool the ideal approach? Surprisingly, there’s more to consider than you might think. 🤔💡 

Cutting Through the Red Tape: How Eliminating Committees Can Boost Your Time to Market

Cutting Through the Red Tape: How Eliminating Committees Can Boost Your Time to Market

In the world of agile methodologies, one question that often arises is whether removing committees can significantly reduce time to market. Some claim that this can lead to a reduction of up to 50%. But is that really true? My experience suggests that while the figure may be exaggerated, the impact of committees on decision-making and agility is profound.

Transforming Agile: How to Shift from Blame to Systemic Solutions for Better Team Dynamics

Transforming Agile: How to Shift from Blame to Systemic Solutions for Better Team Dynamics

I often find myself reflecting on a saying that resonates deeply with my experiences in the agile world: “Don’t attribute to malevolence what can be explained by incompetence.” This phrase has become a guiding principle for me, especially when navigating the complexities of organisational dynamics as an agile coach, Scrum Master, or product owner.

Unlocking Agility: How Decentralisation Empowers Teams to Maximise Value in Any Organisation

Unlocking Agility: How Decentralisation Empowers Teams to Maximise Value in Any Organisation

In my experience working with organisations of all sizes, one thing has become abundantly clear: the struggle to maximise value from our work is not exclusive to large enterprises. In fact, I would argue that smaller organisations often have a distinct advantage in this area. Why? Because they possess the agility to adapt their business practices more readily than their larger counterparts.

Unlocking Organisational Value: The Transformative Power of Engagement in Agile Teams

Unlocking Organisational Value: The Transformative Power of Engagement in Agile Teams

In my journey through the world of agile and organisational effectiveness, I’ve often found myself pondering a critical question: If even large organisations struggle to deliver value and determine which products to build, what hope do smaller organisations have? With tighter budgets and fewer hands on deck, the challenge can seem insurmountable. However, I firmly believe that the issue isn’t about scale; it’s about engagement.

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