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Building a culture of Quality

Unlock the true potential of CI/CD! Join Martin Hinshelwood as he reveals best practices for Continuous Integration and Delivery to enhance quality and speed.

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Building a culture of quality | Martin Hinshelwood

  📍 📍 Building a culture of quality within your organisation is absolutely not something that you can do on your own. It’s not something that any individual can do. Each individual within the context of your organisation needs to be able to Demonstrate their own technical excellence, their technical leadership, their, their engineering capability if they demonstrate their own other people around them will see a way of behaving that.

Hopefully they want to copy. The more people in your organization behave that way, the quicker other people in your organization will see that as the way to behave. I was trying to think of an example there of that being true, and I really keep coming back to the opposite being true, and that’s the Boeing story.

If you’ve been following the Boeing story, Really many years the Boeing story’s been, been going on when Boeing, before Boeing bought McDonnell Douglas, Boeing’s focus was on engineering excellence, technical leadership, and they built that mantra. of if it’s not Boeing, I’m not going. I, theirs were the best planes.

They were the best build qualities. They were the least likely to fall out the sky. They were, they were the standard for quality in the entire aviation industry. And then, and they had that culture. Engineering excellence and, and technical leadership. And then they moved, they bought McDonnell Douglas.

And through some weird happenings, which I don’t fully understand, McDonnell Douglas came out on top of being in charge, right? McDonnell Douglas leadership. And their focus was on revenue extraction. That was their focus. We’re, we’re not built here to build value. We’re here to extract money for our shareholders and for ourselves.

That’s what we’re here for. And over the next 20 years, I think it’s been 20 years. I might be a little bit out there, 15, 20 years. They’ve, Decimated that culture, that culture of quality inside of Boeing completely and utterly destroyed it so much so that that you might have seen seen videos of Boeing employees saying, you know, yes, I’d fly in this plane.

But yeah, I’ve got a death wish, right? That’s not if you’re going to be flying in a, in a, in a plane. That’s not what you want to do. The culture you want within the context of the engineers that are building it. So why would you want it within the context of the software that you’re purchasing? The software that you’re using and how much of the software that we use is actually life critical or actually has a substantive, substantive, substantive impact on our quality of life, on our, on the world around us.

And we, we want. those products to be built within the context of a culture of quality, of delivering the right thing, of doing the right thing and providing us with value, not let’s cut all the corners we possibly can to deliver more revenue to our shareholders, right? So if you want to build amazing products rather than mediocre or even dangerous products.

We need to focus on the things that really matter. And you know, Agile, Agile, Agile fra People talk about Agile frameworks all the time, and how Agile frameworks were the solution, and Agile frameworks are now the problem. None of those things are true. Agile frameworks are just a tool. tools that we use.

It’s the culture within our organization that leverages those tools in a positive or negative way. A hammer is just a tool, but you can use it to hit a nail or you can use it to smack somebody around the head. And which one is going to add value and which one’s going to land you in jail. Right. So building those, those, those cultures of quality, can you, what world of culture of quality did a Volkswagen engineer write code determined whether a car was in a test condition and faked the results, right?

Changed the way the, didn’t fake the results. They changed the way the engine operated in order to get the results they wanted and the engine operated differently on the road. Right? What world of quality. Does anybody in your organization make that sort of decision? No world of quality. If you have a culture of quality, you’re not going to have people make that decision, and that’s what we need to focus on.

We need to focus on building a culture of engineering excellence, the technical leadership to set that direction and go in that direction, and we need to build within our organization, the, the knowledge. and understanding of the theories behind the reasons that things work the way they work, and how we can then apply our empirical learnings within our context, so every organization’s different, with the knowledge of those theories, To then extrapolate what’s the next best decision that we can make.

And this is something that Naked Agility can help you and your organization do. We cannot do it for you, but we can be there to help you understand the theories and practices, how they apply within your context, and what are good engineering decisions and what are bad engineering decisions. Build engineering excellence and technical leadership within your organization.

At NKD Agility  , we specialize in helping organizations design and implement CI/CD pipelines that fit their needs. Whether it’s full automation, ring-based deployments, or just a reliable build system, we can help you optimize your processes and deliver better software, faster. Visit us today to get started!

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If we want to improve the quality of our product and reduce risk, part of our automation story is going to be CI/CD pipelines. It’s worth noting that most teams don’t use CI/CD for CI/CD; they use it for an automated build. I see very few teams applying engineering excellence and doing CI/CD as it’s intended to be done.

Just to clarify a little bit, continuous integration is coupled with mainline branching. It’s not integrated if it’s not in the mainline with the rest of your code. So if you’ve got a CI, a continuous integration on a separate branch, that’s not actually a CI; that’s just a continuous build on your separate branch, which is great. Definitely have that, but we want continuous integration. We want to be continuously pulling things into the one true version so we have fewer and fewer integration problems. We have fewer and fewer other problems coming off that because we’re having to support multiple versions of our product.

If you’ve got test-live in branches, you’re just fundamentally doing it wrong. You might have an older product; I definitely don’t judge the decisions that led to that in the past. You might have made that choice 20 years ago in your product, but you shouldn’t be making that choice today. Dev-test-live with branches? No product anywhere should be making that choice today. We should be doing continuous integration and continuous delivery. Continuous integration is where you have mainline branching and things are continuously integrating into that mainline branch. Everything, all the work of all the engineers that are working on your product, are continuously integrated every day.

Google is notorious for this one. They have one source control repository for the whole company. Every product everywhere in the company is on that one main line. That’s a little bit extreme; that’s a mono repo. But at least for a product, you want to have that mainline branching model where you’re continuously integrating every day. You should not—I would object to a branch that’s around for longer than a day. I’d strenuously object to a branch that’s around for more than a couple of days. I’m not saying that they wouldn’t happen; it’s possible, but I strenuously object.

Where people are adding new things, adding new capability, branches shouldn’t exist for very long. That’s CI. Continuous integration, continuous delivery is when it hits the main line; it’s going to production. Continuous delivery is not “I’m continuously delivering to my test environment”; it’s “I’m continuously delivering to production to real users.” Now, you might use a ring-based deployment model where you’re protecting and limiting the blast radius of any problems behind an audience. Perhaps it could be audience-based rings that enable you to have your high-risk customers in a later ring, so you find the problems first with lower-risk customers.

But continuous delivery—the delivery part in continuous delivery—is production. It should be real users really using your product. So if you’re doing continuous delivery, you should be seeing every commit to the main repo or a particular branch. Let’s call it a branch; it could be called main, could be called master, could be called HK, whatever it’s going to be called, it ends up in production. That’s where people continuously integrate. So you CI into that, and then you CD from there to production.

Most teams and most organisations don’t seem to do that. They say they’re doing CI/CD, but they’re just using the terminology and the tools that are part of it to do something else, which is just an automated build, which is also fine. You’ve got to have the right technology for the right thing. I recommend CI/CD; I recommend continuous integration, mainline branching, and continuous delivery into production.

For example, on products that I use, that I build, I might not use true CD. I think I’m almost there; I’m not quite there. I think it’s a little bit too much risk for me because of my ability to test. But I continuously integrate to main, and it ships to production. I have CD on main; it ships to production as a preview, so the smaller number of users are controlling the blast radius. When I feel like the preview has enough telemetry to tell me that it’s good, that I don’t have a larger number of errors, I don’t have people not being able to do the stuff that they’re supposed to be able to do in the tool, when I have enough data, then I push the button and it rolls out to the next ring, which is everybody.

So I effectively have a two-ring system: a preview or CD system. Preview is a smaller subset of people that opt in to be using the preview version, and then everybody else. Sometimes, if somebody asks for a new thing, I’ll get it into preview and I’ll tell them it’s in preview, and they can try it there and kick the tyres. I’ll bring new stuff that’s never been tried into preview; people will come and kick the tyres, and then it will only go to the rest of the world once it’s been successful.

That’s generally how Windows works; that’s generally how Microsoft Teams works. Office 365—most of Microsoft products are now on a ring-based, audience-based deployment model, and that seems to be the most effective for services that you deliver to your customers. I think websites are a little bit different for commercial websites, but again, these are all things that we can talk about and figure out what the most effective model is. CD might not be the most effective model for you; CI might not be the most effective model. We might just want some automated builds.

Having the expertise to understand your product, understand its architecture, and understand what the business is trying to achieve with the product will help create that indication of how naked agility can support you in creating CI/CD or just some automation to enable you to be as effective as possible and increase your release frequency and reduce your cost of deployment.

Product Delivery Technical Excellence Engineering Practices Software Development People and Process Value Delivery Working Software Practical Techniques and Tooling Software Developers Azure Pipelines

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