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8-Week Immersive Learning Course in 60 Seconds

Discover NKDAgility’s immersive 8-week Scrum training! Engage in practical learning, reflections, and innovative assignments. Book now for a transformative experience!

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Immersive Learning: 8 Weeks of Deep Engagement

Hey, Agile enthusiasts! 🚀

Let’s go from surface skimming of immersive learning and delve into the magic behind the immersive learning approach of, all in a condensed narrative.

Buckle up!

Let’s go!

The Magic of Immersive Learning

A philosophy of profound engagement is at the heart of our courses, spanning an insightful 7 to 10 weeks.  📚

These courses provide a blend of theoretical wisdom and hands-on application, ensuring participants swim with the current, not against it.

From Classroom to Real-World Expeditions

Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of these courses.  

And remember, embarking on this immersive learning journey is akin to charting unknown waters, discovering strategies, and harnessing newfound skills.

It’s not just learning; it’s a transformative experience. 🌟

Here are a few key benefits of immersive learning:

1. Time-tested:  Whether it’s 7 or 10 weeks, these immersive courses from have been perfectly crafted.

2. Blended Learning:  A mix of in-class and offline learning ensures holistic education.

3. Practical Assignments:  Post-session tasks? Absolutely! We encourage learners to apply freshly-acquired techniques within their organizations.

4. Collaborative Feedback:  Return to class, discuss your assignments, and share collective insights. That’s the power of shared experiences!

5. Tailored for Transformation:  Courses like the PSPO are built around an 8-week interactive model primed for instigating change.

Ready to leap into a transformative journey and redefine your Agile approach?

Dive into our immersive courses and emerge with insights and actionable strategies.

See you in class! 📖✌️

Elevate your Scrum game! 🚀

The immersive learning classes that we’re teaching from are all over kind of seven to ten weeks. They have both learning, you know, classroom learning, offline learning, but also assignments at the end of each session for people to go and practice within their organisation. These new techniques, try them out, and then come back and get feedback, collaborate with a group of people who’ve all participated in the same assignment, and try and figure out what their next move is within their organisation. So the PSPO, for example, is ten at eight week of that iterative model.

Die immersiven Lernkurse, die wir von unterrichten, erstrecken sich über sieben bis zehn Wochen. Sie beinhalten sowohl Lernen, Sie wissen schon, Lernen im Klassenzimmer, Offline-Lernen, aber auch Aufgaben am Ende jeder Sitzung für die Leute, um innerhalb ihrer Organisation diese neuen Techniken zu üben, sie auszuprobieren und dann zurückzukommen und Feedback zu bekommen, mit einer Gruppe von Leuten zusammenzuarbeiten, die alle an der gleichen Aufgabe teilgenommen haben, und zu versuchen, herauszufinden, was ihr nächster Schritt innerhalb ihrer Organisation ist. Das PSPO zum Beispiel besteht aus acht Wochen dieses iterativen Modells.

Las clases de aprendizaje inmersivo que estamos enseñando de son todas de siete a 10 semanas. Tienen tanto el aprendizaje, ya sabes, el aprendizaje en el aula, el aprendizaje fuera de línea, sino también las tareas al final de cada sesión para que la gente vaya y practique dentro de su organización estas nuevas técnicas, probarlas, y luego volver y obtener retroalimentación, colaborar con un grupo de personas que han participado en la misma tarea, y tratar de averiguar cuál es su próximo movimiento dentro de su organización. El PSPO, por ejemplo, consta de ocho semanas de este modelo iterativo.

Les classes d’apprentissage immersif que nous enseignons à s’étendent sur sept à 10 semaines. Ils comportent à la fois de l’apprentissage, vous savez, de l’apprentissage en classe, de l’apprentissage hors ligne, mais aussi des devoirs à la fin de chaque session pour que les gens aillent pratiquer au sein de leur organisation ces nouvelles techniques, les essayent, puis reviennent et obtiennent un feedback, collaborent avec un groupe de personnes qui ont toutes participé au même devoir, et essaient de déterminer quelle sera leur prochaine action au sein de leur organisation. Le PSPO, par exemple, est un modèle itératif de huit semaines.

As aulas de aprendizado imersivo que estamos ministrando no duram de sete a 10 semanas. Elas têm tanto aprendizado, você sabe, aprendizado em sala de aula, aprendizado off-line, mas também tarefas no final de cada sessão para que as pessoas pratiquem essas novas técnicas em suas organizações, experimentem-nas e depois voltem e recebam feedback, colaborem com um grupo de pessoas que participaram da mesma tarefa e tentem descobrir qual será o próximo passo em suas organizações. Portanto, o PSPO, por exemplo, é um modelo iterativo de oito semanas.

Занятия по иммерсивному обучению, которые мы проводим на, длятся от семи до 10 недель. В них есть и обучение, вы знаете, обучение в классе, офлайн-обучение, но также задания в конце каждой сессии, чтобы люди могли пойти и попрактиковать в своей организации эти новые методы, опробовать их, а затем вернуться и получить обратную связь, сотрудничать с группой людей, которые участвовали в том же задании, и попытаться понять, каким будет их следующий шаг в своей организации. Так, например, PSPO такой итеративной модели.

我们从 教授的沉浸式 学习课程 为期七至一零周。 他们既有学习, 你知道 的,课堂学习、 线下学习,也有 每节课结 束时的作业,让 人们在 自己的组织内 去实践这些 新技术,尝试使用 ,然后回来获得反 馈,与一 群都参加了相同作 业的人 合作,并尝试找 出他们在组 织内的下一步行动。 因此,以 PSPO 为例,这种 迭代模式为期八周。

Discovery and Learning

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If you've made it this far, it's worth connecting with our principal consultant and coach, Martin Hinshelwood, for a 30-minute 'ask me anything' call.

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