Vista Mobile Device Center

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1 minute read

One thing I loved, with the update of Media Player 11 and ActiveSync 4.2, on my phone ( Windows Mobile 5.0   - Orange  SPV M3100  ) with Windows XP was that it detected that I had a 1gb SD card and added it to the sync devices of Media Player. This allowed me to download my Channel9 and DotNetRocks podcasts and sync them with my phone on a daily basis. I just could not be bothered to sync them manually before.

Then I updated to Vista! And the feature disappeared :(

I hope it is just because the “Mobile Device Center” is currently still in beta, but I get to sync with my main memory on my phone (50mb) but not my 1gb card.

Lets hope they fix this so I can listen to my podcasts again!

Technorati Tags: WM6    Answers 

Windows Troubleshooting

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