Well, this being my hundredth post I thought I should mention something special… Something that will change my world forever… Something that will keep me up at night…
My daughter, Evangelina Jade Hinshelwood was born yesterday (24th June 2007) at the Southern General Hospital. Her due date was the 23rd June 2007.
My wife is someone who does not seam to have contractions until the last minute, so we were happily sitting at home when her waters broke on Saturday (23rd June 2007). We waited, and we waited, but no baby. The midwifes booked us in for my wife to be induced at 8am on Sunday.
Phoned hospital but they said that they were too busy and we will probably get seen the next day. Ahh well, back to bed…
Jadie wakes me up with the screams of labor. What do we do, what do we do! I got her into a bath as we both thought we had plenty of time.
Ahhhhhhh…Ahhhhhh… I think that means its hospital time. But getting my wife out of the bath, dressed and into the car, while she was having full on contractions was a trial.
Every red light was against us, so, when safe to do so ( ;) ) I just ignored them.
Got to the hospital and I had to drop Jadie at the front door and park. Just as I was parking another contraction hit and all I could see in my rear view was my wife curled up on all fours in the car park.. Dumped the car. Got out to see that one of the Workmen (the hospital was having some serious renovations) was trying to help my wife up, but she had hold of his arm, and the look of pain on his face was plain to see. The other Workmen had called ahead for help, so I just rubbed my wife’s back and tired to get her to breath… (I think we managed to scare the workmen as they all had the look of shock about them.)
A wheel chair arrived with two midwifes, and then another with another two midwifes (what excellent service). All the time my wife screaming, “Get me drugs, get me drugs now…”
We were in a room in about 2 minutes, and between contractions managed to get Jadie onto a bed.
“ohh”, said the Midwife, “I can see the head”….
(gory details omitted)
9 pound baby Evangelina was born! And very proud I was. She was a bit blue and she had a scuffed face from exiting so quickly. The midwife nicknamed her “the missile”, but I had my baby girl. My wife managed it without any serious drugs, only Gas & air, so Eva was bright and awake when she came out. She did not even have the usual cone head look due to the speed of her delivery.
I would just like to thank the Midwifes of the Southern General Hospital, Glasgow for there fantastic efforts and exemplary service dealing with my wife, the workmen for their speedy response, and mostly my wife, for giving me such a gorgeous girl.
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