tech·nic·al·ly agile

Blog: Technically Agile. Deep diving into Scrum, Agility, & DevOps!

Helping companies navigate the realities of business agility and not just be technically agile! Regular content on Scrum, Agility, & DevOps!

Technical Leadership

NKD Agility provides hands-on guidance to empower teams with the skills and best practices needed to deliver high-quality, scalable solutions that align with business goals.

Engineering Excellence

We embed quality into every phase of development, ensuring that testing, architecture, and engineering decisions drive excellence and maintainability from the outset.

Business Focus

By aligning technical leadership with strategic business objectives, we help teams streamline processes, ensuring software development supports long-term growth and organizational success.
Choosing a Process Template for your Team Project

Choosing a Process Template for your Team Project

Over the years I have had many discussions about Agile vs Scrum process templates with both TFS and VSTS and migrated many Team Projects from Agile or CMMI templates to the Scrum Template.

Government Cloud First policy

Government Cloud First policy

Why is it that while there is a Government Cloud First policy there are so much fear of cloud in the public sector? I have been working with a number of government and local council agencies in the UK and I found that they are still trying to decide if cloud is a good idea.

Kalabule or a Professional at Agile in Africa

Kalabule or a Professional at Agile in Africa

I have been honoured by being asked to speak at Agile in Africa  today on the topic of Kalabule or a Professional at Agile in Africa  . I was a little disappointed when Nana asked me, as I had already booked a customer on those dates in Houston, Texas. Nana asked if I could do remote, so I could attend anyway :). This is my second presentation at Agile In Africa, and it sounds like this years event is just as awesome as the last.

VSTS Sync Migration Tools

VSTS Sync Migration Tools

I have been working with a number of customers in the last year that want to move to VSTS. While many of them want to do the full Collection import, many do not.

Scaling Professional Scrum with Visual Studio Team Services

Scaling Professional Scrum with Visual Studio Team Services

Last week I was teaching a Professional Scrum Foundations in Farnborough and I had to make sure that I got a hotel with awesome internet access. As well as teaching the class I Have two additional tasks for the week. The first was to have the honour of talking on ScrumPulse,’s webcast, and the second was to talk at the prestigious Dutch ALM Meetup.

Open-source with VSTS or TFS and Github for better DevOps

Open-source with VSTS or TFS and Github for better DevOps

I have had quite a few requests from folks that want to use the full capabilities of VSTS or TFS but really need to have the code published in Github as it is Open-Source. Well I build a few Open-Source projects and I want to have my cake and eat it too.. I want to be able to use the full power of VSTS to reduce the friction of doing Agility and DevOps, but I want to publish the code and output to Github for public consumption. As Github really is the only place to store OSS software we need to figure out how to handle that.

Migrating from Codeplex to Github

Migrating from Codeplex to Github

I have a repository on Codeplex that was the result of the code that I had to write to move my blog from GeeksWithBlogs many moons ago over to Wordpress. This was a very difficult process and recently quite a few of my friends have had to go through it as well. Since GeeksWithBlogs has been sold to ’the man’ many bugs have crept into the system and features are sparse. With the most recent request for access I decided it was time to ditch Codeplex and move to Github. If you have not seen the writing on the wall yet the only Open Source host of any note is GitHub. All my private repositories are in VSTS (  ) but anything Open Source will be moved to GitHub.

Mapping your Windows Special Folders to OneDrive for Business - Ultimate Backup

Mapping your Windows Special Folders to OneDrive for Business - Ultimate Backup

Do you worry that you will lose files on your computer? Well you should! At any time your harddrive can fail, or your house could be hit by a meteor, or stolen. I keep everything on my computer encrypted with BitLocker and can remote wipe any of my data, however I want to be able to access it from anywhere. Everything needs to be in at least two locations to be called a backup, a local separate disk is only partial backup and realis on being at home to backup leading to stale data. That means that the only viable place to securely store your data is the cloud.

Moving OneDrive for Business files to a different drive

Moving OneDrive for Business files to a different drive

I recent ran into a problem where my OneDrive files were taking up too much space on my main drive and preventing Windows 10 updates on the Insider Program. This works for both OneDrive consumer application and the new OnDrive for Business beta application.

Agile in Africa 2016

Agile in Africa 2016

When someone comes to you with an opportunity in the developing world you better have a good reason to say no. For the last few years Nana Abana had been trying to achieve the impossible, conduct a high profile Agile event in West Africa. It’s not just the holding of the event that seemed impossible, but getting together a group of people that can really bring agility to Africa. Up until now many of the endeavours into agility in west africa have been pushed by sharlotons that are intent only in profiting from Africa and not improving development practices. Making money and not helping people. It is posible to do both, but you will need to invest up front to get there.

Connect with Martin Hinshelwood

If you've made it this far, it's worth connecting with our principal consultant and coach, Martin Hinshelwood, for a 30-minute 'ask me anything' call.

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We partner with businesses across diverse industries, including finance, insurance, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, technology, engineering, transportation, hospitality, entertainment, legal, government, and military sectors.​