All you have to do to become a multi-dimensional free thinker is to change the way you think of your dyslexia. The benefits of having dyslexia far outweigh the negatives: The concepts of multi-dimensional thinking are incredibly difficult to learn if you have not been born with the ability, and if you are dyslexic, you have.
The advantages of Multi-Dimensional thinking is that you can visualize problems from all different angles and provide a solution that would not have occurred to a linear thinker. Although Sigmund Void mentioned three dimensional thinking, the capability of thinking in more than three dimensions can assist you enormously if you are a software developer.
I am not saying that all dyslexic people can think in more than three dimensions, but they are all capable of it: not everyone is…
The advantages of being a Free Thinker are also incalculable. It adds a creative element to the way your brain works and makes incredibly complex ideas seam simple. The disadvantage is getting others to understand you, but this is off-set by dyslexic people usually having superb oral skills.
Professions for such talented people include but is not limited to:
engineers, architects, designers, artists and craftspeople, mathematicians, physicists, physicians (esp. surgeons and orthopedists), dentists, it professionals (esp. Software Development Engineers, Developer Evangelists and Software Architects).
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