This is not isolated to GDR, but seams to exist in Data Dude as well. If you create the following SQL:
1: CREATE VIEW [dbo].[v_SomeView] AS
2: SELECT [BH].[Col1],
3: [BH].[Col2],
4: [BH].[Col3],
5: [BH].[Col4],
6: [BH].[Col5],
7: CASE WHEN [BHPP].[OtherCol1] IS NULL THEN -1 ELSE 1 END As [Col6],
8: CASE WHEN [BHPP].[OtherCol1] IS NULL THEN 'Not Applicable' ELSE 'PowerPack' END As [Col7],
9: CASE WHEN [BHPP].[OtherCol1] IS NULL THEN [BH].[Col5] ELSE [BHPP].[OtherCol2] END As [Col8]
10: FROM [dbo].[Table1] as [BH]
11: LEFT JOIN (SELECT [OtherCol1], [OtherCol2], [OtherCol3]
12: FROM [$(CMD)].[dbo].[Table2]
13: WHERE [OtherCol1] <> -1) as [BHPP]
14: ON [BH].[Col2] = [BHPP].[Col2]
And add it to your Database project, but using proper table names :) You will get the following error for every use of [BHPP]:
Error 13 SR0029 : Microsoft.Validation : View: [dbo].[v_SomeView] contains an unresolved reference to an object. Either the object does not exist or the reference is ambiguous because it could refer to any of the following objects:….
This is a show stopper for us as we can’t (without good cause) be creating more views just to do a derived table…
I have submitted a Bug , so vote as you like, but please vote…
Bug: GDR - derived tables
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