I know a couple of people who have been complaining that Experts Exchange was getting rather slow, and I had noticed the same. So I thought I would investigate how big the pages really are.
The first test is to save the page “Complete List of Zone Areas.mht” and see how big/ or small it is…Well my jaw hit the floor and here is why:
What are those guys at Experts Exchange thinking! I know we all have broadband, but this is ridiculous… I am on my corporate network and it is soooo slooow. It is slow from home as well, and that’s a 20Mb Cable line…
Even when you download it as a .htm file it is more than 1.2mb and its mainly the HTML :o And it still locks up IE7 on my Intel duo, 2gb laptop when viewing the page from my HDD.
The main reason that I am writing this here instead of sending them feedback is I don’t have the time to so:
pause - 15 seconds
Scroll - coz I only get the header on my windscreen display
pause - 30 seconds
Scroll more - coz the page is really big
pause - 28 seconds
click link- coz I only get the header on my windscreen display
pause - 15 seconds
…sod it, I’m board…
Technorati Tags: Fail
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