TFS Event Handler: Coverage & Comments

I am getting some positive feedback on the project from Richard Berg, and he had blogged about it under the title of New CodePlex project: TFS Event Handler. And John Lambert has commented on some issues that he has envisioned with referenced assemblies and security of allowing people to upload Assemblies. I would like to address both of […]

TFS EventHandler: MSMQ Refactor

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I am half way through the MSMQ Refactor of my TFS Event Handler project and thing are starting to come together. I have changed it so that instead of one big solution I will have three smaller ones. This will allow me to cross reference the different services. Essentially the Team Server fires events that a […]

TFS EventHandler: Now on CodePlex

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I have now added my Team Foundation Server EventHandler to CodePlex, but don’t get too exited as I am currently mid refractor. I am moving to the more reliable Message Queuing for the system, and probably moving it to a Windows Service instead of the current Website. I did actually start with web services but I […]

TFS EventHandler: Message Queuing

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As I mentioned in my previous post I am currently building an EventHandler infrastructure for Team Foundation Server. I am currently toying with the idea of re-engineering to two system services. The first that handles the Team Foundation Server events and puts them onto an event specific message queue and another that handles the reading […]

Team Server Event Handlers made easy…

Will, not really… I work for a rather large organization and I wanted an easy way for power users of team system to deploy event handlers for the Team Foundation Server events. Essentially they create an assembly with as many EventHandler classes as they like and they can upload their assembly through an administration system, […]

Serialize Assembly for Service calls over Http

  I want to send a .NET assembly as either an System.Reflection.Assembly or as a string over the wire through a Windows Communication Foundation web service. It seems that the class System.Reflection.Assembly can serialize, but is unable to deserialize at the other end. How can this be achieved without sending as a straem of Byte. […]