TFS Event Handler CTP 2 Released

I have just uploaded CTP 2 of the TFS Event Handler.This is a fully functional version of the application and I will be releasing documentation for this in due course, but all configuration of team servers and events is handled through the TFS Event Handler Explorer, but all Event Handlers are setup manually. I have […]

TFS Event Handler in .NET 3.5 Part 2

I have decided to have a little go at creating a Team Foundation Server Event Handler in .NET 3.5 that is resilient and scaleable. I will be using as many of the features of Team Suit as I can, but bear with me as there are a few things that are new to me. TFS Event […]

Developing Peer-To-Peer Applications With WCF

I recently had the need to create and deliver a presentation on Developing Peer-To-Peer Applications With WCF. Although the technical content was good, my delivery was not. I got stage fright… As I approached the room to give the presentation in which I expected to see a couple of people, I was horrified to hear […]

TFS Event Handler in .NET 3.5

I have decided to have a little go at creating a Team Foundation Server Event Handler in .NET 3.5 that is resilient and scaleable. I will be using as many of the features of Team Suit as I can, but bear with me as there are a few things that are new to me. TFS Event […]

Creating a custom proxy class

Instead of using the proxy generation features of Visual Studio you can create a custom proxy in .NET 3.0 to handle all of your needs in a more maintainable manor and with less code. This method works best when you have access to the interfaces that created the service. Here is an example: Namespace TeamFoundation.Proxies […]

Social and Business Networking

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In the modern era networking is not just the preview of business men. There have been many sites created over the last few years but they only seam to implement one or maybe two if the strategies for providing either a community or business networking site. A list of social networking sites can be found […]

The future of software development

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I have been thinking a lot recently about the future of software development and where I see it going. I have worked for seven companies since leaving university (two design studios, two software studios, one community startup, one Internet bank and one investment bank), and my conclusion is that all of the SSADM (Structured Systems Analysis and […]

Creating a managed service factory

I had a plan. I wanted to create a way of accessing services in multiple locations from any location. Each location could have one or more services which may be duplications or different. That is a really abstract way of thing about it, but I eventually came up with a solution. After using Reflector to […]


I have just been made aware of a new (‘ish) service. It allows you to verify the identity of those users you interact with online. This is a very usefully service for any online site or community where users are under 18, but is there any value for those of us that are not? Would […]

Creating WCF Service Host Programmatically

If you want to create a Windows Communication Foundation Service Host on the fly then you will need to first create a base address. I would recommend using the DNS host entry instead of the My.Computer.Name as I had many problems on the corporate network with [computername] not working with our proxy settings.    Dim […]