Do you think we are on the slope of enlightenment in Gartner’s Hype Cycle? 

Are we collectively ascending the slope of enlightenment, or are we still mired in the trough of disillusionment?   This question echoes across the corridors of enterprises attempting to decode the Agile enigma. 🧗‍♂️🤔  The Quest for Agile Enlightenment  Every scroll through LinkedIn, every conference, every workshop seems to echo with discontent – from “Scrum is […]

How is technology like AI changing the world we work in? 

How is Technology Like AI Changing the World We Work In?  In the tapestry of modern innovation, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the most vibrant thread, intricately weaving itself into the very fabric of our professional lives. The transformation is profound, with AI reshaping not only what we do but how we do it. Here, we […]

Under employed – 30% upfront, balance when you are employed 

It’s Your Time to Shine: Pay 30% Up Front, Balance When You Land the Job  Have you ever felt like a race car stuck in traffic? 🏎️ You’ve got the horsepower – the skills, the degree, maybe even the experience – but somehow, you’re not zooming along the career highway as you should be. Welcome […]

Biggest contribution from a Product Owner that you know of 

When discussing the impactful role of Product Owners in Agile development, we often cite examples of those who’ve significantly turned the tide in their organisations. I’m talking about not just fulfilling roles but altering the very fabric of product management – these are the MVPs who redefine the game. 🌟  Crafting Agile Journeys: The Microsoft […]

How does a Scrum team decide on a Sprint goal? 

Deciphering the Sprint Goal Enigma 🎯   The Sprint goal is the North Star for any Scrum team – a beacon that guides the team’s efforts throughout the Sprint. But the million-dollar question remains: How does one conjure this all-important goal?   If you peek into the Scrum Guide, you might be led to believe it’s a […]

1 critical skill for a Scrum Master and why? 

The Art of Teaching in Agile 🎓  The world of Scrum is dynamic and ever-evolving, with success hinging on various skills and attributes. However, if we distil the essence of an effective Scrum Master down to a single critical skill, it stands out as clear as day: the ability to teach.  Why Teaching is Paramount […]

Is a Scrum Master an Agile micromanager? 

Introduction: Facilitating, Not Dictating 🕵️‍♂️  Picture this: a Scrum Master hovering over the development team, controlling each move they make, dictating every line of code. It sounds like a classic case of micromanagement, doesn’t it?  However, in the realm of agile, if a Scrum Master takes on the role of a micromanager, they’ve missed the […]

Scrum Master versus seasoned Agile Coach?

Scrum Master vs. Seasoned Agile Coach: What Sets Them Apart? The Scrum Master and the Agile Coach are two roles integral to the Agile universe. But what distinguishes one from the other? 🤔 While both roles have inherent value, some distinctions are worth noting. The Depth of Knowledge Every seasoned Agile Coach encompasses all the […]