5 critical Skills to master as an Agile Consultant?  Part 1

The Journey to Understanding In our journey as Agile consultants, one fundamental truth remains – understanding the nuances of your customer’s context is a complex yet critical endeavour. Here are my reflections on a pivotal skill to hone in this role.  💡 Embracing the Unpredictability As Agile consultants, we often find ourselves in unchartered territories. […]

5 tools that Scrum Masters love. Part 1 

Scrum Masters: Unlocking the Power of Liberating Structures 🚀  In the dynamic world of Agile and Scrum, Scrum Masters are continuously seeking innovative ways to enhance collaboration and effectiveness within their teams.  Introduction: Embracing Liberating Structures in Scrum  One transformative approach that’s gaining traction is the use of liberating structures. 🌟   These 33 unique frameworks […]

Part 2: Most influential people in Agile

Spotlight on Agile Influencers: The Simon Randell Effect Diving into Part 2 of our series on the most influential figures in Agile, I’m eager to delve deeper into our ongoing exploration of the stalwarts in the Agile world, and today, I want to focus on an individual who’s been a pillar of influence for me. […]

Part 2: Most influential people in Agile

Spotlight on Agile Influencers: The Simon Randell Effect Diving into Part 2 of our series on the most influential figures in Agile, I’m eager to delve deeper into our ongoing exploration of the stalwarts in the Agile world, and today, I want to focus on an individual who’s been a pillar of influence for me. […]

What more needs to happen before traditional organisations consider Agile? 

The Agile Imperative: How Traditional Organisations Can Embrace Change  In an era where the winds of change are ever more capricious, traditional organisations stand at a crossroads. 🌬️🛣️ The question that looms large is not just about adopting Agile methodologies but rather about how deeply they’re willing to let change then percolate through their hierarchies […]

Agile Coach versus Professional Coach

Agile Coach vs. Professional Coach Have you ever wondered what sets an Agile Coach apart from a Professional Coach and what the crucial difference is? Today, I’m sharing some insights about a question I often get: Agile coach or professional coach – who should we bring on board and which one holds the edge?” 🔍 […]

Agile Scotland 2023: Why does this matter to you and why should people come to the event? 

Scotland’s Agile Revolution: What’s on the Horizon  Ah, Scotland – a land not just of captivating highlands and historical marvels but also a burgeoning hub for Agile methodologies!   As we inch closer to Agile 2023, the Scotland experience, it’s palpable that something exciting is brewing in the tech community here.  I’m Martin, albeit with a […]