ALM Events and public courses in 2015 Q2



I have had a lot of folks asking for dates of the public courses that I will be running in the next few months.

When I moved back from the USA and started consulting I initially alighted at my parents’ house as the house I was in before moving out was still being rented. Well that house was sold and so, for my one day a week visit home between engagements, I have been staying at my parents. I know… I am sure there is a joke in there somewhere. I have been getting many requests for online live ALM training, and unfortunately my parents has had no room to run them.

Well, this very weekend that is resolved as I move into a new house that does indeed have an office. I am now in a position to schedule some events and I wanted to update those that have been asking. I have had a number of enquiries over the last few months for live online training in Visual Studio ALM, TFS, & VSO and unfortunately I have had nothing in the mix. Well, I have scheduled the next few months of courses. Kicking off the run of courses is my good friend Anthony Borton from Australia.

  • 23/03/2015 – DevOps with Visual Studio ALM & TFS [3 day][Live Online]

    My good friend and colleague is teaching the DevOps course in eastern European time.

  • 16/05/2015 – Professional Scrum Master [2 day]

    In Seattle, the weekend before the ALM Forum 2015, I will be running a PSM course. If you are going to the ALM Forum in May, and you don’t yet have your Professional Scrum Expert certification, or if you just want to refresh your knowledge then you can book your seat.

  • 18/05/2015 – ALM Forum 2015

    The ALM Forum is the premier conference event in the US for Application Lifecycle Management. Although I am not speaking, I will be there to hang out with the usual suspects and will be doing time at the booth.

  • 28/05/2015 – Managing Projects with TFS in Visual Studio ALM [Live Online]

    This is an awesome course that I have taught a number of times. This is the first time In have taught it online and I am looking forward to it. This course is for anyone who manages their projects in TFS and applies to Visual Studio Online (VSO) as well.

  • 09/06/2015 – TFS 2013 Configuration & Administration [Live Online]

    TFS up and running and still figuring out where all the levers are? The TFS Administration and Configuration course will bring your knowledge up to speed.

  • 15/06/2015 – NDC Oslo 2015

    I will be speaking at NDC Oslo this year. I missed the cut off last year and only made it to NDC London 2014, and this year I made the cut again.

  • 07/07/2015 – DevOps with Visual Studio ALM, TFS, & VSO [Live Online]

    Fancy taking the continuous delivery challenge? This introductory course to build and release with Visual Studio ALM will set you up to successfully create a professional release pipeline that will allow you to run rings around your competitors.

Over the next 6 months I will be busy with both onsite consulting for Visual Studio ALM and Scrum, with some public live online events. If the events prove popular I will add more.

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Martin Hinshelwood
As a DevOps consultant, Agile consultant, and trainer, I’ve worked with hundreds of companies to improve their software product development. It’s astonishing how many Scrum Masters lack even a basic understanding of Scrum, let alone the expertise required to support the teams they work with.A significant portion of Scrum Masters …
Martin Hinshelwood
As we progress deeper into the dynamic landscape of the 21st century, our long-established organisations, born of the Industrial Age and infused with a DNA of strict command and control, stand on shaky ground. These organisations strut with command-and-control bravado, erecting clear hierarchies in their stable inert markets where bureaucracy …
Martin Hinshelwood
In organizational development and team dynamics, Agile (as the Agile Manifesto delineates) and Scrum (as the Scrum Guide outlines) guide teams not by solving their problems but by illuminating the issues that demand attention. These frameworks aim to identify and spotlight the challenges within a team or organization’s processes, effectively …
Martin Hinshelwood
This week, I participated in a Webinar hosted by Sabrina Love ( Product Owner) as well as my colleagues, Joanna Płaskonka, Ph.D. and Alex Ballarin to discuss the state of learning and how immersive learning is the future of training.You can watch the video below to hear what we …