Hold on lads, I have an idea!

Naked ALM Consulting Logo

Something occured to me after seeing the Family Show application from Vertigo. If you have not seen this application it is definitely worth a look. What I want to achieve would be to display and allow the edit of company Higherarchical data through a similar interface to the one presented in Family Show. The data […]

AD Update-O-Matic

In my quest to play with test VB 9.0 and it very cool  features I created a little application to update Active Directory. I was asked by my boss (Andre) to get some sense of order into Active Directory for the users that will be involved in the proof of concept for MOSS 2007. So […]

VS2008 Update

Well it seems that Microsoft took the generally felt community suggestion and bundles Team Explorer with Visual Studio 2008 team Suit. I don’t know if they did the same with VS2008 Pro or the other version, but it would seem a good idea. I had a few problems uninstalling Beta 2, but I got there […]